He tried to console Herm but in vain.他试图安慰她,但是徒劳。
We had a circus and an Herm s fashion show amidst gardens, fountains and elaborately decorated stages.我们请了一个马戏团,还在花园、喷泉和精心装饰的舞台间举行了一场爱马仕时装秀。
Designed Herm è s artist Sandra Laroche and first issued in 2003.爱马仕设计和一流的艺术家桑德拉拉罗奇在2003年发行.
She had Herm è s scarves and Celine furs.她买了不少爱马仕的围巾和赛琳(Celine)的皮草.
He tried to console Herm but in vain.他试图安慰她,但是徒劳.