The prince abused his next wife, and was subject to fits of melancholy that could be lifted only by thrice-daily beatings from a team of young men retained for the purpose.王子杰氏虐待他的下一位妻子,自身备受抑郁症折磨,这抑郁症得靠[雇请]一群年轻人专门每日对其殴打三次才得以缓解。
He married his sixth wife, the horse trainer Jill VandenBerg, in 1998, and with her operated a nonprofit refuge for abused and neglected horses.1998年,他与第六任妻子驯马师吉尔·范德伯格(Jill VandenBerg)成婚,并和她一同经营一家非营利性的滥用和弃置马匹救护所。