"poetry is something to which words are the accidental, not by any means the essential form"
"they had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw in his character"
1. 偶发:这就意味着:后来的过程(从先前的过程中获得了它的某些特征)通常需要地理环境中某个事件的发生,该事件与先前的事件具有相倚(con-tingent)或偶发(adventitious)的关系.
2. adventitious
2. 不定的,无定形的:advanced glycosylation end product高级糖基化终产物 |adventitious不定的,无定形的 | adverse effect反效果,副作用
3. 不定的:advancement of ripening 成熟加速 |adventitious 不定的 |adventitious bud 不定芽
4. adventitious的近义词
4. 偶然的:Adventist 耶稣复临论者 |adventitious 偶然的 | adventive 外来的