Abonfire is a fire that is made outdoors, usually to burn rubbish. bonfires are also sometimes lit as part of a celebration.
e.g. With bonfires outlawed in urban areas, gardeners must cart their refuse to a dump...
e.g. They celebrated the event by holding parades, lighting bonfires and setting off fireworks.
1. 篝火:名厨陶德英格利希 (Todd English) 的牛排店篝火 (bonfire) 主营充满欧洲和拉美风味的上等牛排. 天鹅咖啡厅 (Swan's Café) 供应美式菜肴和下午茶. 威士忌公园 (Whiskey Park) 是一家极具格调的鸡尾酒吧,吸引了无数人来体验夜生活.
2. 大篝火:bonesetting 接骨术 |bonfire 大篝火 | bongo 大羚羊
3. 营火、篝火:龙卷风twister | 营火、篝火bonfire | 临时停尸室a makeshift morgue
4. 大篝火;从水龙卷底部四周喷出的水花;溅水雾花:bonfire 大篝火 |bonfire 大篝火;从水龙卷底部四周喷出的水花;溅水雾花 | bongrace 旧绳索的纺织物
Celebrate the victorie with bonefiers in euerie town.
出自:W. Raleigh