采购产品肥皂泡沫浴缸, 淋浴房,凝胶剂, 洗发水, 身体洗剂, 礼品套装, 浴室配件.
It was just like a bubble bath for dishes and bowls.它是象是给盘和碗做了一次泡泡浴.
Is there any side effect as we use bubble bath?气泡超音波浴是否有副作用?
Run a bubble bath for your love.制作情书泡沫浴.
Moment of warmth can be lengthy, cold winter, enjoy a hot bubble bath.片刻就能暖意洋洋, 寒冷的冬季尽情泡个热水澡.
Then a hot bubble bath, bath ball carefully with shower wash away the vegetable oil.然后泡个热水澡,仔细地用浴球 、 浴液洗去植物油.
Each bathroom have a supply of soap, bottle of shampoo and bubble bath.每个浴室都备有香皂 、 洗发液和浴液.
Let's add some bubble bath.我们洗泡泡浴吧.
Just fill the cap with bubble bath and dip in. Happy Bubbling!我们还附赠泡泡棒,让您的泡泡浴更加有趣!