Achoir is a group of people who sing together, for example in a church or school.
e.g. He has been singing in his churchchoir since he was six.
In a church building, thechoir is the area in front of the altar where the choir sits.
1. 合唱团:碟内更翻唱了著名圣诞歌<
2. 唱诗班:你当然不用理会这条过道,你一直向东走,穿过教堂中殿,现在你所站的位置是一个半圆形的后殿(Apse),这里就是唱诗班(choir)站的地方,也是圣坛(Altar)的所在.
3. 合唱:如挪威乐队Tristania在音乐中,大量加入了交响效果,以及歌剧女高音(Soprano)和唱诗班的大合唱(choir),古典味相当浓厚;而瑞典的Therion则发展出以管弦乐器与金属乐器并重的交响歌剧金属;另外还有一些专注于气氛营造的乐团,
4. 唱诗班席:耳堂(TRANSEPT) 在一公堂式(BASILICAN)教堂内的一横贯部分,与中堂(NAVE)呈直角相接,通常把中堂与唱诗班席(choir)或后堂(APSE)分隔开(图289). 二十四长老(ELDERS,TWENTY-FOUR) 二十四长老的形象常在罗马式和哥特式教堂正门(PORTALS)上出现(图456).
The choir sang the amens beautifully.唱诗班唱的阿门非常优美。
The choir sang sweetly, and none more so than the Welsh boy.唱诗班唱得很悦耳,尤其是没人比得上那个威尔士男孩儿。
The choir was singing distinctly out of tune in places.合唱团有些地方明显唱走调了。
The choir gave a ragged performance.合唱队演唱得很不和谐。
The choir is the oldest part of that church.唱诗班的席位是那个教堂最古老的部分。
She sings in the school choir.她是校合唱队的成员。
The choir sang the words out with great vigor.合唱团以极大的热情唱出了歌词.
The church choir is [ are ] singing tonight.今晚教堂 歌唱 队要唱诗.
The choir sang with precision.唱诗班的演唱准确无误。
The choir has sung only two verses of the last hymn.合唱团只唱了最后一首赞美诗的两个段落。
He has been singing in his church choir since he was six.他打6岁起一直在教堂唱诗班里唱歌。
The choir sang out the two words with great vigour.合唱团把这两个字唱得十分有力.
We visited the church where Schubert sang in the choir.我们访问了舒伯特曾在其唱诗班中歌唱的那个教堂.
The choir was ( singing ) distinctly out of tune in places.合唱团有些地方明显 ( 唱 ) 走调了.
Hal used to sing in the cathedral choir until his voice broke.哈尔在噪音变为成年人的之前一直在大教堂唱诗班唱歌.
The choir is the oldest part of that church.唱诗班的席位是那个教堂最古老的部分.
The choir chanted in the background.唱诗班在后面唱着赞美诗.
The choir sings both sacred and secular music.唱诗班既唱圣乐也唱世俗歌曲.
Robert sings in a church choir.罗伯特在教堂合唱队唱歌.
She sings in the school choir.她在校唱诗班唱歌.