If you can't contribute money to charity, give time.如果你无法捐钱给福利事业,给你时间。
Some people volunteered to contribute money to this end.有的人则自告奋勇地要为此出钱出力。
The rich will be asked to contribute money; the strong to contribute labour.有钱出钱, 有力出力.
How do contribute money to Gansu Province Zhou Qu county rock flow disaster disaster area?如何向甘肃舟曲泥石流灾害灾区捐款?
That's right . To chip in, means to each contribute money to buy something.那 就是 我们中国人说的凑钱买东西.
You are invited to become a Friend of the Bristol Hospice , ie to contribute money regularly.邀请您作布里斯托尔末期病人安养所的赞助人.
Those people went to temples just to contribute money and have fun.这些人去寺庙,最多就是捐个钱,获得快乐.