Desktop computers, basic mobile phones, and box-set TVsdefined 1992.
"define `sadness'"
"What defines a good wine?"
"The tree was clearly defined by the light"
"The camera could define the smallest object"
"fix the variables"
"specify the parameters"
If youdefine something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like.
e.g. We were unable todefine what exactly was wrong with him...
e.g. He was asked todefine his concept of cool.
If youdefine a word or expression, you explain its meaning, for example in a dictionary.
e.g. When people are asked 'What is intelligence?' they tend to reply: 'I don't know how todefine it, but I can certainly recognize it when I see it.'...
e.g. Collins English Dictionary defines a workaholic as 'a person obsessively addicted to work'.
1. 定义阶段:定义阶段(define) 定义阶段将会获取和核实企业的各项需求,然后按重要性先后实施执行. 该阶段将编制功能阵列、架设软硬件,以及评估资料量. 编制功能阵列的好处,是可以把各项功能详细列出来,优先处理重要功能. 架设软硬件时,
2. define的近义词
2. 规定:我们知道当看到ISO9001:2000版标准中出现确定(determing)时,它的内涵是:你必须设法找到全部的影响因素,而且这种因素是客观存在的,是不以人的意志为转移的,而标准若出现规定(define)时,它的内函是:要将已经确定的全部要求,
3. 下定义:在需要读写rt_clock变量的中断处理程序里面,应该如下定义(define)此变量:而在提供给外部用户使用的头文件里面,可以将此变量声明(declare)为:
The bank needs to define and delegate the responsibilities related to the various aspects of its marketing programme.银行必须规定并授予与营销计划有关的各项职权。
The dependent claim shall,by additional technical features,further define the claim which it refers to.从属权利要求应当用附加的技术特征,对引用的权利要求作进一步限定。
The section defines the extent of application of the Act.该条款用来限定该法令的适用范围。
How do you define laziness?你是怎么定义懒惰的呢?
We can define marital felicity accurately.我们能够给美满婚姻下个准确定义。
It is difficult to define what makes him so popular.很难解释清楚什么原因使他如此走红。
Some have even defined genius to be only common sense intensified.有人甚至将天赋解释为只是增强的常识。
It is difficult to define what makes him so popular.很难解释清楚什么原因使他如此走红。
The mountain was sharply defined against the sky.那座山在天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明。
The term 'u2018mental illness 'u2019 is difficult to define.“精神病”这个词很难下定义。
Life imprisonment is defined as 60 years under state law.按照州法律终身监禁定义为60年。
We need to define the task ahead very clearly.我们需要明确今后的任务。
The difficulty of a problem was defined in terms of how long it took to complete.问题的难易度是以解决这个问题所花时间的长短而定的。
We were unable to define what exactly was wrong with him...我们说不清楚他到底哪里不对劲。
He was asked to define his concept of cool.他被要求说明自己关于“酷”的定义。
When people are asked 'What is intelligence?' they tend to reply: 'I don't know how to define it, but I can certainly recognize it when I see it.'...当被问及“智力是什么”的时候,人们往往会回答说:“我不知道该如何定义它,但我见到了肯定就能认得出。”
Collins English Dictionary defines a workaholic as 'a person obsessively addicted to work'.《柯林斯英语词典》给“工作狂”一词下的定义是“一个过分沉溺于工作中的人”。
Laws are a dead letter without courts to expound and define their true meaning and operation.法律如果没有法院来详细说明和解释其真正意义和作用,就是一纸空文.
In particular, if you do define a conversion to an arithmetic type, then.具体而言, 如果定义了到算术类型的转换, 则.
Offer two time options: Parents can define a specific time period or an accumulated time amount.提供了两种时间选择: 家长可以界定一个特定时期内或累积时间的金额.
The contractees and contractors should sign land use contracts to define each other's rights and obligations.发包方和承包方应当订立承包合同,约定双方的权利和义务.
A common way to make headers safe uses the preprocessor to define a header guard.使得头文件安全的通用做法,是使用预处理器定义头文件保护符.
And this Psalm is helping us define happiness.这篇诗帮助我们了解什么是快乐.
A delegate declaration is sufficient to define a delegate class.一个委托声明足以定义一个委托类.
Analysis, define & design software functions and system requirements.分析 、 定义 并 设计软件系统功能和需求.
Any dictionary will define the suburbs as those areas that lie outside cities and towns.所有的字典都将“郊区”定义为在城市和城镇以外的地区.
XForms Uses XML To define Form Data.XForms使用XML定义窗口数据.
define cycle counting plan and organize cycle counting.制定周期盘点计划,组织实施周期盘点.
define Design Development Timing, Component Development Timing including Process Development, Organize the validation.确定设计开发时间, 零部件开发时间,包括流程开发, 组织验证.
define and discuss the four principal network topologies.定义并讨论四个主要的网络拓扑.
For more information, see How to: define a Model with Horizontal Partition in Storage Model.有关更多信息, 请参见如何: 使用存储模型中的水平分区定义模型.
Entity types can define a set of conditions for each table to which they are mapped.实体类型可以为其映射到的每个表定义一组条件.
A characteristic trait or peculiarity, especially one serving to define or describe its possessor.特性,属性特性或不同之处, 尤指用来定义或描写其占有者的特性.
A more ready way to define Controversies.
出自:I. BarrowDesktop computers, basic mobile phones, and box-set TVsdefined 1992.
Defining what it means to be a good parent is undoubtedly very tricky.
The concept of sustainable development has beendefined as profitable.
They suggest beauty should not bedefined by looks that end up impinging on health.