Someone who is adevotee of a subject or activity is very enthusiastic about it.
e.g. Mr Carpenter is obviously adevotee of Britten's music.
Adevotee is a member of a religious group.
e.g. Monks shave their heads, as do devotees of the Hare Krishna movement.
1. 奉献者:奉献者(devotee):你说过音流瑜伽并未涉及自我的消解,而是寻求通过跟随内在声音到达最高领域. 你已在精神实践(Sadhana)中到达这些精微领域(subtle regions),我自己也在跟随这条道路. (因此)我希望更多地了解你对这些精微领域的体验,
2. 慕残者:慕残分为:慕残者(devotee),扮残者( pretender) 和自残者(wannabe). 慕残者是健康人单纯的羡慕、喜好残疾人(多见节肢者). 多无实质性的举动. 扮残者是健康人用工具等将自己打扮成残疾人的模样. 自残者是健康人由于喜爱羡慕残疾人的样子,
3. devotee什么意思
3. 行者:死亡是甜美的,若果行者(devotee)能於活是死去. 这个在活时死亡究竟是什么呢?灵魂在身体的总部是眼中心,於此处它的能力之流(enegyeurrents)散播於整个身体. 修习活时死去时不必停止呼吸. 只要简单地用持名的方法将你的整个注意力收集到眼中心,
4. 爱好者:灵活 agility | 爱好者devotee | 踢 kick
devotees of Krishna(印度教)黑天的虔诚信徒
Mr Carpenter is obviously a devotee of Britten's music.很显然,卡彭特先生是布里顿音乐的狂热爱好者。
Monks shave their heads, as do devotees of the Hare Krishna movement.和尚要剃度,克利须那派教徒也一样。
When devotion to God grows in intensity, the devotee desires nothing more than God.当信徒对神的爱越来越深, 心中的欲望没有一种比得上对神般强烈.
A devotee to sensuous and luxurious living; an epicure.强烈的热爱者; 狂热爱好者.
A player or devotee of jazz music.我喜欢选择爵士音乐.
Your husband tells me that you're a devotee of Henry James.你丈夫说你是亨利?詹姆斯的小说迷.
God shows His Grace to the devotee by manifesting as His Guru.神的恩典,显现为信众的上师.
I'm a great devotee of jazz.我是个十足的爵士乐迷.
A devotee for the past 20 years, she teaches yoga to disabled children.克莱格练习瑜珈已经有20年了, 她还向残疾儿童教授瑜珈.
Tantric practices use both ritual and meditation to unify the devotee with the chosen deity.坦陀罗练习既使用仪式,也使用静心去把皈依者与所选择的神连接.
At this, their own shrine, he knelt with them, an ardent devotee.他像一名忠实的信徒, 和她们一起拜倒在这神龛面前.
Samuel Adams was a passionate devotee of American independence.撒母耳·亚当斯热情献身于美国独立.
Mr Carpenter is obviously a devotee of Britten's music.很显然,卡彭特先生是布里顿音乐的狂热爱好者。
a devotee of science fiction科幻小说的狂热爱好者
Mr Carpenter is obviously a devotee of Britten'smusic.很显然,卡彭特先生是布里顿音乐的狂热爱好者。
As fanatical a devotee of vegetarianism.
出自:R. F. Burton