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"he has read Plato's dialogues in the original Greek"
1. dialog的反义词
1. 对话框:*标题,内容,左右按钮内容可以用引号包含无变量的内容,在格式化(format)一字符串后也可用其代替.1.对比菜单(Menu)与对话框的编写,后者的易编写性是显而易见的.菜单(Menu) 对话框(dialog)[仅列表(LIST)形式]
2. 会话:语料简单实用,这样使语言学习与日常生活紧密联系,方便了以出国为目的学习德语的读者. 本册共有16课,每课由日常生活会话(dialog),阅读课文(LESETEXT),词汇(VOKABEL),补充语料(ERGNGZENDE SPRACHMITTEL)和练习(BUNG)构成.
3. 對話方塊:在Basic 对话方块(dialog)上作画在Basic 对话方块(dialog)上作画其实Basic的对话方块(dialog)除了指定背景颜色以外,也可以作画(几何图、文字..等). 这样一来,dlg这个物件(object)也因此继承了这个uno interface.
The writer is not very good at writing dialogs.这个作家不太擅长写对白。
Modeless dialog boxes frequently have several buttons that immediately invoke various functions.不要忘记非模态对话框中经常会有几个按钮,可以立即激活不同的功能.
An error dialog should always be polite, illuminating, and helpful.错误消息框应该始终有礼貌 、 具有启发性, 还要助人为乐.
The pantry plays a secondary role, as should dialog boxes.食品储藏室应该处于从属地位, 对话框也应该如此.
Property dialog boxes can be either modal or modeless.属性对话框可以是模态的,也可以是非模态的.
Can you rearrange things on the window or dialog to expand horizontally?是否可以重新安排窗口或对话框中的内容,在水平方向扩展一些?
A properties dialog box generally controls the current selection.一般来说,属性对话框控制当前的选择.
A Move dialog would then appear with the current document highlighted.这时“移动”对话框便弹出,并且突出显示当前的文档.
Are you canceling the dialog and leaving the rules mismatched?我们是撤销对话框保留不匹配的规则?
Do your users a favor and never create another confirmation dialog box.请为你的用户做点好事,不要再创建另外的确认对话框了.
Think of the dialog as being in either beginner or advanced mode.你可能认为这种对话框既适用于初学者,也适用于高级用户.
Address every primary view and dialog possible.要尽可能考虑到所有主要的视图和对话.
Use consistent terminating commands for modeless dialog boxes.为非模态对话框提供一致的终止命令.
Use object names in property dialog title bars.在属性对话框的标题中使用对象名.
Use verbs in function dialog title bars.在功能对话框的标题中使用动词.
The dialog box, another use of the pop - up window , was the tool that simplified the menu.另外一种 弹出窗口 的使用方式, 对话框就是简化菜单的工具.
Participate in discussion forums(论坛), blogs and other open-ended forums fordialogue.