"a downright answer"
"a downright kind of person"
"absolute freedom"
"an absolute dimwit"
"a downright lie"
"out-and-out mayhem"
"an out-and-out lie"
"a rank outsider"
"many right-down vices"
"got the job through sheer persistence"
"sheer stupidity"
"he is outright dishonest"
She couldn't think of anything to say that wasn't downright rude.她除了破口大骂之外再也说不出什么。
It's not just stupid'u2500it's downright dangerous.这岂止是愚蠢——简直是危险。
...ideas that would have been downright dangerous if put into practice...如果付诸实践就会极度危险的想法
She was often downright rude to him.她常对他十分粗鲁。
Stack driver can lead to get through downright the path between hardware interfaces and TCP stack.彻底打通网络处理器光口到本地协议栈间通路需要协议栈驱动提供支持.
It was audacious of him to tell me a downright lie.他真有勇气,敢向我撒了个弥天大谎.
She was downright rude.她十分粗鲁.
Several of the buildings were downright homely.这些建筑物中有几栋实在是太丑陋了.
This is a downright lie.这是个弥天大谎.
It would be downright [ sheer ] madness to do such a thing.做这种事纯粹是 发疯.
It's actually getting downright chilly.实际上,它在真的变冷.
They are not only brilliant individuals, but also exceptionally human, humble and sometimes even downright humorous.他们不但绝顶聪明, 而且非常有人情味 、 很谦虚、有时还很幽默呢.
He wasn't just inconsiderate, he was downright rude.他岂止不体谅人, 简直是十分粗暴.
Still another objection is made against saving. It is said to be just downright silly.反对储蓄的另一种论点, 说起来也实在是荒唐透顶.
In fact, the postseason drought in Houston is becoming downright Saharan.事实上, 季后赛赢球荒在休斯顿简直成了彻头彻尾的撒哈拉沙漠.
He wasn't just impolite 'u2014 he was downright rude.他不仅仅是不礼貌,而是无礼透顶.
That road is downright dangerous!那条路危险透顶!
It was a downright imperialist policy of profitting at others'expense.这是不折不扣的损人利己的帝国主义政策.
Her uncle was downright dangerous.她叔叔是个十足的危险人物.
Their statement was a downright inanity.他们的声明是彻头彻尾的废话.
The body language is transparent: that familiar mixture of fear, horror and downright cussedness.他们的肢体语言明显反映出人们熟悉的那种情绪: 担心 、 恐惧,又极其别扭.
His evidence was a blend of smears, half truths and downright lies.他的证词里掺杂着诽谤 、 部分的事实和彻头彻尾的谎言.
He was downright rude to me.他对我实在太粗野了.
Forts and churches almost always go together , and yet they're downright contradictions.有要塞的地方,就一定有教堂, 然而,这两者显然是水火不相容的.
I have learned the downright folly of being selfish.我已经知道自私自利是彻头彻尾的愚蠢.
For one thing, it's downright impossible.一方面, 这是绝对不可能的.
There was suspicion and even downright hatred between them.他们之间相互怀疑甚至极度仇恨。
He..Shot to the black abyss, and plung'd downright.