establishment of 开证, 开立信用状..
The establishment of the regional government in 1980 did not end terrorism.1980年地区政府的成立并没有结束恐怖主义。
It will result in the establishment of the world's largest marine reserve.它将促成建立世界上最大的海洋保护区。
With the establishment of major new markets, the economy is thriving.随着重大新市场的建立, 经济越来越兴旺.
The establishment of new international economic order is the essence of his article.他文章的主题是建立国际经济新秩序.
The committee will work toward the establishment of a school for the handicapped.该委员会将为建立一所残疾学校而努力.
They used their savings for the establishment of the business.他们把积蓄化在创办生意上.
Equal liability of all to labour. establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.实行普遍劳动义务制, 成立产业军, 特别是在农业方面.
IN THIS ARTICLE: The 19 th - century French painter Edouard Manet shocked the artistic establishment of his day.本文简介: 世纪法国画家爱德华-马奈令他同时代的艺术界深为震惊.
Controlled droplet combustion experimentation has led to the establishment of the following important facts and patterns.受到控制的液滴燃烧试验确定了下列重要事实和特性.
The prime requirement of a newly planted tree is rapid establishment of the root.对新栽幼树的起码要求是迅速建立起根系骨架.
British landmarks are the establishment of the Monopolies Commission and the Restrictive Trade Practices Act.英国的划时代事件是建立垄断委员会和限制贸易实施法案.
In order to prevent the establishment of a despotic regime, Kant demanded a separation of powers.为了防止形成专制统治, 康德要求权力分立.
establishment of a successful catalog, check the directory permissions.建立目录不成功, 请检查目录权限.
The two nations have decided on the establishment of diplomatic relations.两国决定建立外交关系.
And the establishment of a comprehensive sales and after - sales service management system.并建立了完善的销售及 售后服务 管理体系.
Second , promoting the establishment of a China - ASEAN free trade zone.推动建立中国 — 东盟自由贸易区.
And establishment of branch offices in Shanghai, responsible for foreign trade.并在上海设立分公司, 负责对外贸易.