Long-term stock market investments have produced superior returns compared with cash deposits.股票市场长期投资的收益比现金存款要高。
With the markets being so volatile, investments are at great risk.由于市场那么变化不定, 投资冒着很大的风险.
All their money was tied up in long - term investments.他们所有的钱都搁死在 长线 投资上了.
The main of their investments was lost in the war.他们的大部分投资在战争中损失了.
Mr. Black prospered from his wise investments.布莱克先生由于巧妙的投资赚了不少钱.
But anyone looking for income from their investments is in a much worse state.但是,那些指望靠投资获取收入的人境况更为糟糕。
The company is only just starting to reap the rewards of long-term investments.这家公司才刚刚开始收获长期投资的回报。
Large blocks of resources must be available for major investments.重要投资项目必须能获得大量的资源.
Furthermore, subsidies provide incentives only for investments in equipment.更有甚者, 提供津贴仅是为鼓励增添设备的投资.
The company had overreached itself and made unwise investments.这家公司不自量力地轻率投资。
Germany's unparalleled prosperity is based on wise investments.德国空前的繁荣是建立在明智的投资基础之上的。
You'll be able to earn an average rate of return of 8% on your investments.你将能获得8%的平均投资收益率。
Many observers foresee a great change for foreign investments.许多观察家预计外国投资将发生巨大的变化.
I want a decent return for investments I have made.我想为我的投资获得公平的报酬.