"a kilogram is approximately 2.2 pounds"
Akilogram is a metric unit of weight. One kilogram is a thousand grams, or a thousandth of a metric ton, and is equal to 2.2 pounds.
e.g. ...a parcel weighing around 4.5 kilograms.
e.g. ...akilogram of butter.
1. 公斤:卫生间 [名] 手表 [名] 黄色 [名] 前辈 [名] 会馆 [人名] 迈克 [名] 电影票 [名] 剧场 [名] 产生 [名] 聚会(party) [名] 广告 [名] 翻译(主要指笔译) [名] 上班 [名] 主人 [名] 葡萄 [名] 公斤(kilogram) [名] 苹果 [副] 多少,
2. 吨 ton 千克:如磅(Pound)吨(Ton)千克(kilogram)克(Gram)公担(Quintal)盎司(Ounce)公吨(Metric Ton)数量单位:大多数工具成品,尤其是日用消费品、轻工业品、机械产品及部分土特产,如件(Piece)双(Pair)套(Set)打(Dozen)箩(Gross)卷(Roll)长度单位:一般布匹、电线电缆、丝绸等的交易常用,
3. 表示千:kilo表示千kilogram | mocro表示大的,宏观的 | macroeconomics 宏观经济学
4.kilogram:kg; 千克
One kilogram of butter was a lot!一千克黄油非常多!
One thousand grams are equal to one kilogram.一千克等於一公斤。
These apples cost five yuan per kilogram.这些苹果每公斤五元。
2 kilograms of rice2公斤大米
Flour is sold by the kilogram.面粉按公斤出售。
...a parcel weighing around 4.5 kilograms.重约4.5千克的包裹
...a kilogram of butter.1公斤黄油
We are prepared to order 20 cases of black tea at 10 pounds per kilogram.我公司准备订购二十箱红茶,每公斤十英磅.
The kilogram is the international standard of weight.公斤是国际通用的重量标准.
A kilogram is approximately 2.2 pounds.一公斤大约是2.2磅.
They also share in the profits: 7 taka per kilogram ( about 5 cents per pound ).他们同时也分享利润,每公斤7塔卡 ( 大约每磅5分 ).
We are preparing to order 20 cases of black at 10 pounds per kilogram.我公司准备订购二十箱红茶,每公斤十英镑.
Last spring, farmers received around 20 a 60 kilogram ( 132 pound ) bag a heady profit.去年春季, 农民们每销售一包60公斤 ( 132磅 ) 的大豆可收回约20美元,因此获利颇丰.
They cost two mao a kilogram.它们的售价是每千克两毛钱.
I'm afraid that you have to pay 50 pence more per kilogram.我恐怕你要每公斤多付五十便士.
The price for this commodity is US 75 per kilogram in the international market.这种商品国际市场的价格是每公斤75美元.
The rate for excess baggage is 9 per kilogram.超重行李费是每公斤9美元.
Apple costs five dollars a kilogram.苹果每千克5美元.
How much is the coconut candy a kilogram?椰子糖一公斤多少钱?
The high ratio of torque per kilogram of active material seems to be very attractive.比率高的扭矩,每公斤活性物质似乎是非常有吸引力.
The baby has put on one kilogram during the last month.在过去一个月里婴儿体重增添了两斤.
Michael: Only 10 cents per kilogram.麦克尔: 一公斤才10美分.
It'sells for 'ue0806 per kilogram.这个卖6美元一公斤.
The pressure maintained in the water main is two kilogram per square centimeter.自来水总管里的水压保持为2公斤/平方厘米.
A kilogram of garlic sausage, please.请给我一千克蒜肠.
The hospital is about a kilogram past the school.医院比学校大约要远一公里.
Who knows how much the price of copper scrap is now a kilogram?我有废铜出售,但不了解价格请大家帮帮忙!
One kilogram of butter was a lot!一千克黄油非常多!
Apple costs five yuan a kilogram.苹果每公斤5元.
The chair weighs about a kilogram.这张椅子重约一公斤.
Antiques, artworks and others whose declare value is over 20 USD per kilogram.古玩 、 工艺品等其海关申报价值超过每公斤20美元的物品.
How much money can go to a kilogram?可以到多少钱每公斤?
The 3 rd phase, to 2030, dweller average per capita year consume a fruit 53 kilogram.第三阶段, 到2030年, 居民人均年消费水果53千克.