"In church you have to kneel during parts of the service"
When youkneel, you bend your legs so that your knees are touching the ground.
e.g. She knelt by the bed and prayed...
e.g. Other people were kneeling, but she just sat.
1. 跪下:剃度僧说道:阿弥陀佛!善哉!善哉!施主若真心皈依我佛,请跪下(kneel)受戒. 另附:南海普陀山第四代弟子空闷(Zaifa)属性表
2. 跪:题号 答案 考查内容解题依据 解题分析 1 D 逻辑推理常识运用词义比较 Mark 不是坐(sit)下,倒(fall)下,躺(lie)下,而是跪(kneel)下来帮助男孩把书拾起.
3. (下跪):knee 膝盖 |kneel 下跪 | knell 丧钟
4. kneel的近义词
4. 泥呕(膝上会有泥) 跪:jug 夹个(用夹'ga'肢窝夹住) 带柄水罐 |kneel 泥呕(膝上会有泥) 跪 | knee 泥 膝 盖
Christians often kneel down to say their prayers.基督教徒通常跪着做祷告。
a kneeling figure跪着的人影
We knelt (down) on the ground to examine the tracks.我们跪在地上察看足迹。
She knelt by the bed and prayed...她跪在床边祈祷。
Other people were kneeling, but she just sat.其他人跪着,而她只是坐着。
You wouldn't kneel down to pray for your mother on her deathbed when she asked you.你母亲弥留之际,要你跪下来为她祷告,你却拒绝了.
Go to temple to pray with you, hold your hand kneel down together.同你去庙里求签, 轻轻抓住你的手一同跪下.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.让我们热爱的美成为我们的所为.跪下来亲吻大地,有成百种方式.
Do not kneel, go straight to your feet.千万不要跪着, 要把脚伸直.
Let us kneel in prayer.我们跪下祈祷吧.
kneel down and pray, here comes your judgment day.下跪祈祷, 在这里你的判断来天.
Saw the cattle kneel, and herself knelt.看到牲畜跪下, 于是她也跪下.
A crazy queen, old and jealous. kneel down before me.一个疯狂的女王, 年迈而且爱妒忌: 给朕下跪.
Do not run, stand, kneel or spin in the slide.滑道内禁止跑动 、 站立 、 跪下或旋转.
In church you have to kneel during parts of the service.在教堂,你应该跪下在仪式期间.
In desperation, the airline's ground service personnel had to kneel down to apologize to the passengers.无奈之下, 航空公司的地服人员只得向乘客下跪赔礼道歉.
The altar, as in prehistory, is anywhere you kneel.如同在史前, 你膜拜的地方就是祭堂.
In Heaven's name why should you kneel to me?'天啦!你为什么要向我跪下? ”
Once the emperor got angry, all the officials would kneel down.皇帝一发怒, 文武百官都跪了下来.
If there is not one to serve, then do not kneel idly.没有人可侍奉的话, 就别瞎跪着,醒悟点,行动起来.
No , we must never, ever kneel down before the tyranny of a majority.我们永远不应屈服于一个大多数人的暴政.
Dad would kneel to receive her kisses while he scratched her ears.我爸便跪下去,搔弄着她的耳朵,同时接受她的亲吻.
The subjects had to kneel down before the king.在国王的面前臣民必须跪下.
Abruzzi : I kneel only to God. Don't see him here.我只对上帝下跪. 但我没有在这里看到上帝.
They gaze on the darkness, they kneel, and they clasp their hands. What does signify?他们注视着黑影, 他们双膝跪下, 两手合十. 那是什么意思?
Then the cowhide stripped, leaving the cow leather, and buried in the grave kneel has cried.后来就把牛皮剥了, 留下牛皮埋了牛, 又在牛坟上跪着大哭了一场.
kneeling: kneel upright with your weight on your knees and your back straight.行双膝跪礼时,是直式的跪,身体的重量集中于双膝,背部要直.
We are telling the colonialists we are not succumbingare not submitting; we will not kneel.我们正告殖民主义者,我们不会投降,不会屈服. 我们不会下跪.
I kneel only to God. Dont see him here.我只向上帝下跪. 他可不在这.
Kill me now. I will not kneel before you.杀了我, 我不会在你面前屈膝.
Good people, you do ill to kneel to me. What is it I..have done to merit this?
出自:TennysonHe would kneel before the icon and recite his prayers.
出自:M. ScammellThe man..made the complaining animal kneel and receive the extra burden.
出自:P. BowlesWomen were kneeling on the stones, filling red jars.
出自:D. H. Lawrence