"work of great merit"
"there were many children whose deservingness he recognized and rewarded"
"You deserve a promotion after all the hard work you have done"
If something hasmerit, it has good or worthwhile qualities.
e.g. The argument seemed to have considerablemerit...
e.g. Box-office success mattered more than artisticmerit...
Themerits of something are its advantages or other good points.
e.g. They have been persuaded of the merits of peace.
e.g. ...the technical merits of a film...
If someone or somethingmerits a particular action or treatment, they deserve it.
e.g. He said he had done nothing wrong tomerit a criminal investigation...
e.g. Such ideasmerit careful consideration.
If you judge something or someoneon merit oron theirmerits, your judgment is based on what you notice when you consider them, rather than on things that you know about them from other sources.
e.g. Everybody is selected onmerit...
e.g. Each case is judged on its merits.
1. 优点:8.您介绍产品时是否能依循特性(feature)、优点(merit)及特殊利益(specificbenfit)的方式?9.您是否能巴里法伯的电话销售妙计 电话销售永远比不上面对面的做买卖容易. 即使你真能在很短时间内打很多电话,惟一能做的也只是与顾客建立融洽关系.
2. 功德:路德与加尔文高举圣经的拣选真理与圣灵工作,从根本打掉天主教错误的靠个人功德(merit)得救论. 然而路德与加尔文只把圣灵的工作局限於信徒的称义得救与成圣生活,而没有应用於福音使命、权能布道与护教上(参<>4:29-30,14:3).
3. 優異:草地早熟禾各品种草坪耐寒指数评分为7.2~8.6差异为1.4分;最高分是康尼(Conni)、优异(merit)为8.6分,最低分是巴林(Balin)为7.2分. 高羊茅各品种草坪耐寒指数评分为6.6~7.8差异为1.2分;最高分是猎狗(Houndog)、凌志(Barlexxus)为7.8分,
Charms strikes the sight, but merit wins the soul.美貌吸引目光,优点赢得心灵。
That will subtract nothing from his merit.那将无损于他的功绩。
Promotion should be based on merit alone.晋升应完全根据功绩。
I want to get the job on merit.我要凭才能得到这份工作。
This is a proposal of some merit.这是个有价值的建议。
His new achievements merit our attention.他取得的新成就值得关注。
The case does not merit further investigation.这个案子不值得进一步调查。
He doesn merit his punishment.他不应该受到这样的惩罚。
a work of outstanding artistic merit具有杰出艺术价值的作品
The plan is entirely without merit.这个计划毫无价值。
I want to get the job on merit .我要凭才能得到这份工作。
We will consider each case on its (own) merits (= without considering any other issues, feelings, etc.) .我们将根据每件事情本身的情况来考虑。
They weighed up the relative merits of the four candidates.他们对四名候选人各自的优点作了比较。
He claims that their success was not merited.他声称他们不应该获得成功。
The case does not merit further investigation.这个案子不值得进一步调查。
The argument seemed to have considerable merit...这个论点似乎颇有价值。
Box-office success mattered more than artistic merit...票房上的成功比艺术价值更重要。
They have been persuaded of the merits of peace.他们被劝服,认识到了和平的好处。
...the technical merits of a film...一部电影技术上的长处
He said he had done nothing wrong to merit a criminal investigation...他说自己没有干坏事,不应该受到刑事调查。
Such ideas merit careful consideration.这样的想法值得斟酌。
Everybody is selected on merit...每个人都是凭个人才能入选的。
Each case is judged on its merits.每个案件都是按照案件本身的特点判定的。
I really feel that the oneself is not devoid of any merit!我真的觉得自己并不是一无是处的!
The subject may merit a brief explanatory note.这题目也许要个简明的注释.
There are several limitations to our study which merit further discussion.我们的研究存在一些局限值得进一步讨论。
Promotion should be based on merit, not seniority.提升应看人的才能, 而不能以新老来划线.
The engineer got a medal from the mayor for his merit to the city construction.工程师凭着自己对城市建设的贡献,得到了市长办法的奖章.
This paper presented the merit of adaptive threshold with the more advantageous pointwise variance method.本文分析了自适应阈值的优点,进而提出逐点噪声方差法在去噪方面有更强的优势.
That does not detract from his merit.那没有贬低他的功绩.
Honour is a reward of merit.荣誉是功绩的报偿.
Awes the Reese special department weighs the world the right and wrong merit.奥斯里斯专司衡量人间的是非功过.
In fact, some of the reasons offered by those who backed the speaker had merit.实际上, 一些支持发言人的人提出的某些理由也有可取之处.
Used dangerous weapon as a result of him of course, merit arrives punish.当然由于他使用了危险武器, 应受到制裁.
The book has no artistic merit its sole aim is to titillate.那书毫无艺术价值,只是撩拨情欲.
I had had scholarships..without any godfather's help but purely on my own merit.
出自:C. AchebeA single book, one that we feel to have some special merit, not an obvious bestseller but one..deserving our support.
出自:C. MilneDid they think that men doe merit rewards in heaven by the workes they performe on earth?
出自:R. HookerI asked whether the story was really interesting enough to merit being put on paper.
出自:R. DahlHe had been harsh..to Peter, who had surely done nothing to merit such treatment.
出自:A. HardingThis iron doesn't merit a recommendation.
出自:Which?This book has not much merit.
This book has many merits.