Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea what they're paying for Facebook, because people don't really know what their personal data is worth.即使他们知道公司在做什么,他们仍然不知道他们给 Facebook 付了多少钱,因为人们对自己的个人信息值多少钱没有确切概念。
At a typical commercial service, an applicant pays 80 to 125 to have his or her personal data stored in the computer for two years and 200 or so more if a marriage results.在典型的商业服务中,申请人需要支付80到125美元才能将他或她的个人数据在电脑中存储两年;如果结婚了的话,则需要支付200美元左右。