post-modernity considers the question of subject as the core of modernity, in order to transcend modernity we have to begin with criticizing transcendental subject.后现代认为,现代性问题的核心是主体问题,要超越现代性,必须从批判先验主体这一现代性问题的根源开始。
The reason for setting up the concepts from the Angle of subjectivity history is to differentiate them from modernity and post-modernity International Relationship.本文之所以用这对概念从主体史角度开始考察国际关系,目的是为了与现代性国际关系、后现代性国际关系区别开来。
Delys Bird suggests that it was the post-modern features of her writing.德斯·伯德认为,这是她写作的后现代特征。
Many things are made in post-modern style.很多东西被做成后现代风格。
These post-modern guanxi have several powerful qualities.这些后现代关系有几个强大的特质。