"in a world where financial probity may not be widespread"
"he enjoys an exaggerated reputation for probity"
probity is a high standard of correct moral behaviour.
e.g. He asserted his innocence and his financialprobity.
1. probity
1. 正直:更为重要的是,我们在教育的领域中,需要一种氛围,那就是正直(probity)的行为应该得到尊重. 老师之间,不应该为了自己的私欲,而相互勾心斗角,互挖墙角. 学校之间,不应该为了得到一个似乎很有前途的学生,使尽各种手段. 教育是培养有前途的学生,
2. 诚实:共有怜悯(pity)与诚实(probity)二道德情绪之行为. 」共有怜悯(pity)与诚实(probity)二道德情绪之行为. 」谢林(Selin)之文化冲突理论--强调犯罪行为之发生,
3. 正气:政改方案(英国对香港)constitutional package | 正气uprightness; integrity;probity; rectitude | 政企分开separate government functions from enterprise management
4. 廉洁:Lloyd Garroway in San Francisco.|旧金山的洛伊盖洛瓦 |probity.|廉洁 | You know, nobody ever said anything iffy about Lloyd Garroway.|洛伊盖洛瓦风评从来就是稳健
He asserted his innocence and his financial probity.他宣称自己是清白的,在钱财上没有弄虚作假。
probity and purity will command respect everywhere.为人正派到处受人尊敬.
probity will command respect everywhere.为人正直无论在哪里都会受人尊敬.
TST provides an impartial service that is renowned for its probity and fair dealing.TST提供一个完全公正的服务,以它的正直和公平行为闻名.
In a few years his unprincipled wife warped the probity of a lifetime.在以后的几年里,他那放荡不羁的老婆把他的生活搅了一个一踏糊涂.
Enterprise style: speak honestly , conduct practically, rapid and efficient. Managercharacter: loyalty , honesty, probity, dare speak.公司作风: 诚信 、 求实 、 快捷、高效. 管理素质: 忠诚 、 清廉、正直 、 敢言.
He enjoys an exaggerated reputation for probity.他在正直方面受到的赞誉有些夸大.
A judge must be a person of unquestioned probity.法官必须是个无可争议的正直的人.
Even as Western financial firms disrepute , banks in emerging markets are treated as paragons of probity.甚至,拒绝西方金融机构的同时, 新兴市场的金融机构被奉为诚实的典范.
His lofty status and probity allow him to ensure I'm used in certain soccer matches.如今他至高无上的地位和信誉能确保让我在特定的比赛中被使用.
He asserted his innocence and his financial probity.他宣称自己是清白的,在钱财上没有弄虚作假。