"my retrieval of people's names is very poor"
Theretrieval of information from a computer is the process of getting it back.
e.g. ...electronic storage andretrieval systems.
Theretrieval of something is the process of getting it back from a particular place, especially from a place where it should not be.
e.g. Its real purpose is the launching andretrieval of small aeroplanes in flight.
1. 撷取:earch)及撷取(retrieval)技术,特别是以行动社群网路(Mobile Social Network)为主之搜寻及撷取技术定位技术(Localization)及位置相关服务 (Location-based Service)前瞻短距通讯(short range communications)技术公共安全(Public Safety)应用与民间无线应用共享技术与可行性研究跨网号码可携(Number Portability)服务与数位汇
2. 拯救:其它的多人游戏模式包括小队对抗(Team Adversarial)、两队竞赛(Rivalry)、拯救(retrieval)、Free for All和猎杀恐怖分子(Terrorist Hunt). 根据不同的单人和多人模式来看,即便你通关游戏之后,<>还是有很多值得重新尝试的部分.
Most elderly people find the retrieval of names..difficult.
出自:A. Storr