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当前位置:首页单词大全 rushes
英['rʌʃɪz] 美['rʌʃɪz]
v.冲,奔;仓促做;快速流动(rush 的第三人称单数) n.工作样片;冲,奔;匆忙(rush 的复数)
名词 rush:
  1. the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner

  2. a sudden forceful flow

  3. grasslike plants growing in wet places and having cylindrical often hollow stems

  4. physician and American Revolutionary leader; signer of the Declaration of Independence (1745-1813)

  5. the swift release of a store of affective force

  6. a sudden burst of activity

  7. (American football) an attempt to advance the ball by running into the line

动词 rush:
  1. move fast

  2. attack suddenly

  3. urge to an unnatural speed

  4. act or move at high speed

  5. run with the ball, in football

  6. cause to move fast or to rush or race

  7. cause to occur rapidly

Water rushes out of huge tunnels.


When there's a tough job, he always rushes to do it.

是重活, 他都抢着干.

The purchasing agent rushes around every day to secure materials.


Rare clean sweet air rushes into her grateful lungs.


When the fire alarm sounds, each man rushes to his post.

火警一响, 每个人都冲向他的岗位.

The mother rushes her son to the hospital's emergency room.


Oh! How the blood rushes through my veins.

啊! 血液是怎样地涌进我的神经.

A soldier dons helmet and armour, takes up spear and shield, and rushes gladly into battle.

顶盔披甲, 持矛把盾交锋以为乐.

The placid water swept round in a graceful curve , the rushes bent gently towards its surface.

平静而茫茫的水面上, 芦苇轻拂,漾起缕缕涟漪.

A fire has broken out somewhere , a fire engine rushes by.


A container made of interwoven material, such as rushes or twigs.

用材料编成的容器 、 如用灯心草或小树枝.

Frequent drops in the dollar parity have repeatedly touched off gold rushes.


The cat made little rushes to and fro after the ball.


He said that he is excited in entire manufacture process, warm - blooded rushes.

他说,在整个制作过程中他都心情激动, 热血澎湃.

Like all gold rushes, Macao has attracted a raucous and colourful community.

就像所有的淘金热一样, 澳门吸引了五花八门的各色群体.


