Sometimes it seems too hard to leave thesofa.
Medium color choices are generally furniture pieces such assofas, dinner tables or bookshelves.
中等颜色的选择一般用在家具上, 如沙发, 餐桌或书架。
Asofa is a long, comfortable seat with a back and usually with arms, which two or three people can sit on.
1. (长)沙发:▲society 社会 |sofa 长沙发 | soft 软的,柔和的
2. 沙发 梳发:卡片 咭片 car | 冰淇淋 忌廉 cream | 沙发 梳发sofa
3. sofa的意思
3.sofa:sequential organ failure assessment; 序惯性脏器衰竭评价
4.sofa:status of forces agreement; 军事现状协议
5. sofa在线翻译
5.sofa:state of food and agriculture the; 粮农及农业状况