Asoliloquy is a speech in a play in which an actor or actress speaks to himself or herself and to the audience, rather than to another actor.
1. 自言自语:但不管怎么样翻译,如果对<>里的这59段独白做一番考察,我们不难窥见这种主体话语的杂糅性:它们有时是双向的、口头的私人交谈(private talk),有时则是完全隐秘的自言自语(soliloquy).
2. 自言自语, 独白:kung fu 中国功夫 |soliloquy 自言自语, 独白 | put the plough before the oxen 本末倒置
3. soliloquy的翻译
3. 独白,自言自语:soliloquize /自言自语/独白/ |soliloquy /独白/自言自语/ | solipsism /唯我论/
the playwright's use of soliloquy这位剧作家对于独白的运用
As he made this dreary soliloquy, he had cantered out of Rotten Row into the park.他一边这么闷闷不乐地自言自语,一边离开了罗登道,来到公园里.
Hamlet's soliloquy is probably the most famous in English drama.哈姆雷特的独白在英国戏剧中大概是最出名的了.
Mrs Hall had very reluctantly to leave the rest of his soliloquy.霍尔太太只得怏怏地离开了他,让他一个人去自言自语.
Such expressions in literary works are called as soliloquy.这种现象在文学作品中的表现就是独白.
A literary composition in the form of a soliloquy.一种文体,通过长长的独白展现人物的思想和感情.
I hope there ain't, but I't'Nation sure of that'said the guard, in gruff soliloquy.“我 倒 也希望没有问题, 可我他妈的放心不下,”那卫兵粗声粗气地自言自语.
Generally, operas start with a soliloquy of an actor introducing himself on his first appearance.通常戏的开头都会有几句定场白.
The soliloquy was an Elizabethan dramatic convention.独白是伊丽莎白时代戏剧的惯常手法.
The..poem is a soliloquy: Solomon..speaks.
出自:M. Prior