If it were not stopped, that long train, full of passengers, would fall into thestream.
如果不停下来, 那列满载乘客的长火车就会掉入河里。
"two streams of development run through American history"
"stream of consciousness"
"the flow of thought"
"the current of history"
"a stream of people emptied from the terminal"
"the museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors"
"the raft floated downstream on the current"
"he felt a stream of air"
"the hose ejected a stream of water"
"their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind"
"She was streaming with sweat"
"His nose streamed blood"
"people were pouring out of the theater"
"beggars pullulated in the plaza"
"Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!"
"Tears streamed down her face"
Astream is a small narrow river.
e.g. There was a smallstream at the end of the garden.
e.g. ...a mountainstream.
Astream of smoke, air, or liquid is a narrow moving mass of it.
e.g. He breathed out astream of cigarette smoke...
e.g. Add the oil in a slow, steadystream.
Astream of vehicles or people is a long moving line of them.
e.g. There was astream of traffic behind him.
Astream of things is a large number of them occurring one after another.
e.g. The discovery triggered astream of readers' letters.
e.g. ...a never-endingstream of jokes...
If a liquidstreams somewhere, it flows or comes out in large amounts.
e.g. Tears streamed down their faces...
e.g. She came in, rain streaming from her clothes and hair.
If your eyesare streaming, liquid is coming from them, for example because you have a cold. You can also say that your noseis streaming .
e.g. Her eyes were streaming now from the wind...
e.g. A cold usually starts with a streaming nose and dry throat.
If people or vehiclesstream somewhere, they move there quickly and in large numbers.
e.g. Refugees have been streaming into Travnik for months...
e.g. The traffic streamed past him...
When lightstreams into or out of a place, it shines strongly into or out of it.
e.g. Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard.
If something such as a flag or someone's hairstreams in the wind, it is blown so that it is almost horizontal.
e.g. She was wearing a flimsy pink dress that streamed out behind her...
e.g. He had been greeted by the sight of his mother, her red hair wildly streaming.
In a school, astream is a group of children of the same age and ability who are taught together.
e.g. Examinations may be used to choose which pupils are to move into the top streams.
Tostream pupils means to divide them into groups according to their ability.
e.g. He advocates streaming children, and educating them according to their needs.
If something such as a new factory or a new system comeson stream or is broughton stream, it begins to operate or becomes available.
e.g. As new mines come onstream, Chile's share of world copper output will increase sharply...
e.g. This spring RF will also bring onstream the Hotel de Russie in Rome and the Savoy in Florence. RF
13. see also: jet stream
1. 串;流:②串流(stream)型表示Flash不能足够快地绘制动画的帧时就跳过帧. 与事件型声音不同,串流型声音随着影片的停止而停止,而且音频流的播放时间绝对不会比帧的播放时间长.
2. 小溪:专家平躺(sprawl)他拖网(trawl)成年之后才谄媚(adulate),否定以后起波澜(undulate),模式变调才调音(modulate),拖拖拉拉才发芽(pullulate)弟弟做苦工(drudge),哥哥表抱怨(grudge),罚他去跋涉(trudge)小溪(stream)无花是蒸汽(steam),
3.stream:standard tensioned replenishment alongside method; 标准张力法
Sand and leaves trapped the water in the stream.沙子和树叶堵住了小河的水流。
Visitors to the exhibition came in an endless stream.参观展览会的人络绎不绝。
Cars stream along the highway.汽车在公路上流水般地行驶。
They streamed out of the cinema.他们涌出电影院。
Her hair streamed(out) in the wind.她的头发迎风飘动着.
mountain streams山涧
A stream of blood flowed from the wound.一股鲜血从伤口流出来。
I've had a steady stream of visitors.我不断有客人。
Cars filed past in an endless stream.汽车川流不息,鱼贯而过。
a constant stream of enquiries接连不断的询问
The agency provided me with a steady stream of work.这介绍所让我不断有活干。
She was put into the fast stream.她被分在了快班。
The new computer system comes on stream next month.新的计算机系统下月投入使用。
Tears streamed down his face.泪水顺着他的脸往下流。
a streaming cold (= with a lot of liquid coming from the nose)流鼻涕的感冒
There was a small stream at the end of the garden.花园的尽头有一条小河。
...a mountain stream.山涧
He breathed out a stream of cigarette smoke...他吐出一缕烟。
Add the oil in a slow, steady stream.缓慢、平稳地加油。
There was a stream of traffic behind him.在他身后是长长的车流。
The discovery triggered a stream of readers' letters.该发现引来了读者接二连三的来信。
...a never-ending stream of jokes...一个接一个的笑话
Tears streamed down their faces...泪水顺着他们的脸颊流下。
She came in, rain streaming from her clothes and hair.她进来时,雨水顺着她的衣服和头发往下流。
Her eyes were streaming now from the wind...她的眼睛被风吹得直流泪。
A cold usually starts with a streaming nose and dry throat.感冒开始时通常会流鼻涕、嗓子发干。
Refugees have been streaming into Travnik for months...几个月来不断有难民涌入特拉夫尼克。
The traffic streamed past him...车一辆一辆地从他身边疾驶而过。
Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard.阳光照到院子里。
She was wearing a flimsy pink dress that streamed out behind her...她穿的那件轻薄的粉红色连衣裙在身后飘舞。
He had been greeted by the sight of his mother, her red hair wildly streaming.他最先看见了他母亲,她红色的头发在风中狂舞。
Examinations may be used to choose which pupils are to move into the top streams.可以采取考试的方式来决定让哪些学生进入高阶班。
He advocates streaming children, and educating them according to their needs.他提倡把学生按能力分班,因需施教。
As new mines come on stream, Chile's share of world copper output will increase sharply...新矿投产后,智利在世界铜产量中所占的份额将大幅增加。
This spring RF will also bring on stream the Hotel de Russie in Rome and the Savoy in Florence. RF旗下的罗马露兹大酒店和佛罗伦萨萨伏伊酒店也将在今年春季开始营业。
All the streets in the village were streaming with flood water.
Their faces were streaming with sweat.
True highland with..peaty streams and swift rivers.
出自:J. HawkesThe river is a wide dark featureless stream.
出自:J. C. OatesThe torrents streamed into the plain.
出自:S. JohnsonThey had laughed..till tears streamed down their cheeks.
出自:M. SartonSmall blossoms from the trees streamed through the air.
出自:D. PlanteMoonlight streamed in from an uncurtained window.
出自:Joan SmithIf it were not stopped, that long train, full of passengers, would fall into thestream.
如果不停下来, 那列满载乘客的长火车就会掉入河里。
The electronic wastestream is increasing three times faster than traditional garbage as a whole.
总的来说, 电子垃圾的增长速度是传统垃圾的三倍。