1. Kenya
1. 肯尼亚:另外3位提名摄影师及其入围作品分别为法新社摄影师康义千叶(Yasuyoshi Chiba)的<>(Kenya),盖帝图片社摄影师约翰.摩尔(John Moore)的<>(Assassination of Benazir Bhutto)和<>杂志摄影师安东尼.
2. 肯雅:注明种植咖啡豆的地方,而能够种植出优良品种咖啡豆的地区,大约集中于北回归线与南回归线之间,统称为Coffee Zone或者Coffee Belt. 如危地马拉(Guatemala)、也门(Yemen)、肯雅(Kenya)、牙买加(Jamaica)、埃塞尔比亚(Ethiopia)、印尼(Indonesia)及瓜哇(Java)等地.
3. Kenya的意思
3. 肯亞:Kristof) 报导了他的一桩奇遇:在东非[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenya 肯亚] (Kenya) 外海的一座岛上,一群老人告诉他,他们是中国人的后代. 好几个世纪以前,他们的祖先在非洲做贸易,用中国的瓷器与丝绸交换当地像长颈鹿等特产.
4. Kenya
4. 非洲 肯尼亚:这样的地方包括:非洲肯尼亚 (Kenya)、坦桑尼亚(Tanzania) 和扎伊尔 (Zaire) 的国家公园;北美洲的黄石国家公园 (Yellowstone) 和约塞米蒂 (Yosemite) 国家公园;中美洲的蒙特维德 (Monteverde) 国家公园;南美洲的玛努 (Manu)国家公园;
5. Kenya的翻译
5.Kenya:ken; 肯尼亚
Kenya often feels like a country that cannot cope.肯尼亚似乎是一个你不知如何应对的国家。
Kenya's Robert Kibe was the fastest qualifier for the 800 metres final.肯尼亚的罗伯特·基布是800米决赛入围者中速度最快的选手.
Kenya's long distance runners have taken the athletics world by storm.肯尼亚的长跑运动员在田径界获得了巨大成功。
Kenya's population is growing at 4.1 per cent per annum.肯尼亚人口正以每年4.1%的速度增长。
Kenya's beef comes from the zebu cattle.肯尼亚的牛肉是瘤牛肉。
The first leg of the journey was by boat to Lake Naivasha in Kenya.行程的首段是乘船到肯尼亚的奈瓦沙湖。
She was off again. Last year she had been to Kenya. This year it was Goa.她又走了,去年去了肯尼亚,今年则是果阿。
Elephants were often to be found in swamp in eastern Kenya around the Tana River.在肯尼亚东部的塔纳河一带经常发现陷入沼泽的大象。
Kenya was under ( British ) colonial rule for many years.肯尼亚曾多年受 ( 英国 ) 殖民统治.
In Kenya, taxation was much more moderate.在肯尼亚, 税率要低得多.
He carted two chimpanzees from England to Kenya.他好不容易把两只黑猩猩从英国运到了肯尼亚.
Some in Mombasa say they want to leave Kenya for good.一些在蒙巴萨的亚裔讲道,他们想要永远离开肯尼亚.
Kenya's Kipkemboi successfully defended his Dublin city marathon title on Monday.星期一,肯尼亚选手基肯保尔成功卫冕都柏林城马拉松赛冠军.
The areas are not even connected to Kenya's electric power satellite supply.这些地区甚至还未能得到肯尼亚的电力供应.
The study showed that these measures helped fish populations grow in Kenya.研究表示这些措施能帮助鱼类数量在肯尼亚的增长.
We traveled to Kenya and Tanzania of East Africa in May 2007.今年五月我们游历了东非的肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚.