"debt-ridden farmers struggling with adversity"
"a life of hardship"
"a period marked by adversities"
adversity is a very difficult or unfavourable situation.
e.g. He showed courage inadversity.
1. 逆境:.顺境时谦逊,逆境(adversity)时坚持,绝境时自信!厚德载物,雅量(generosity)容人,推功揽过,能屈能伸. .我们老说态度决定一切,却忘了这个态度是指自己的态度,而不是去挑别人的态度. 不要(picky)吹毛求疵,要自省. .一个人的声望(fame)看他的母亲,
2. 逆境篇:8 理想篇 ldeal | 9 逆境篇adversity | 10 品德篇 Character
3. adversity什么意思
3. 不幸(的事),灾难:adverse 有敌意,敌对的,不利的 |adversity 不幸(的事),灾难 | advert 谈及,注意到
4. 不幸:adulteration#掺杂 |adversity#不幸 | affinity#密切关系
He overcame many personal adversities.他克服了多次个人不幸。
He showed courage in adversity.他在逆境中表现出了勇气。
They triumphed over adversity.他们战胜了厄运.
As fire tries gold, so does adversity try virtue.烈火炼真金, 逆境见美德.
In time of adversity, those who do not desert you are real friends.在患难中不弃你而去的人才是真正的朋友.
When faced with adversity she was never tempted to give up.面对逆境她从未想过放弃.
Hardship disposes man to meet adversity.艰苦的生活使人能应付逆境.
Even in great adversity, he retained [ kept ] his majesty.纵令 身处绝境, 他仍保持自己的威严.
Their friendship was forged by sharing adversity.他们的友谊是由于共患难而结成的.
She was confident that she would ultimately triumph over adversity.她相信自己最终能战胜逆境.
adversity makes a man wise, not rich.困难和不幸不能使人富有,却能使人聪明.
adversity makes strange bedfellows.逆境使陌生人成为同床之友.
adversity acquaints men with strange bedfellows.难中不择友,饥不择食.
A friend is known in adversity.在患难之中才能看出(真假)朋友.
adversity is a good schoolmaster.逆境为良师.
The accident precipitated them into the depth of adversity.意外事故使他们一下子陷入了苦海.
The friendship sealed in adversity is the sincerest.患难中结成的友谊最真挚.
adversity leads to prosperity.逆境通向成功.
Sweet are the uses of adversity.因祸得福.
adversity shows what men really are and separates the sheep from the goats.患难可以看清人的本质,分清好人还是坏人.
We will never forget the friendship sealed in adversity.患难之交永不忘.
The fire is the test of gold; adversity of strong man.烈火试真金, 困苦练壮士.
adversity comes with instruction in its hand.逆境给人以教益.
The true features of a man is shown in adversity ; the strength of a horse is tested on a muddy road.患难识人, 泥泞知马.
Mr. Huang has been a good friend to me in adversity or in prosperity.不管我处于逆境还是顺境,黄先生一直是我的好友.
adversity is a good discipline.逆境是最好的磨炼.
Prosperity makes friends, and adversity tries them.富贵交友易, 患难显真情.
Share joys and sorrows with your comrades, and support one another in adversity.同甘共苦, 患难相扶.
courage in the face of adversity面对逆境的勇气