"forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning"
"even the car's tires were aflame"
"a night aflare with fireworks"
"candles alight on the tables"
"houses on fire"
When the heart is afire, some sparks will fly out of the mouth.心里有什么, 嘴里总要泄露出来.
The clinic was set afire.诊所被人放火了.
The houses were set afire but there were only minor injuries to seven personnel.房子着火了,但是只有7位职员受轻伤。
But hell's afire, Scarlett, it can't be news to you.不过,地狱着了火, 思嘉, 这对你来说,不会是新闻了.
He'd set them afire in no time.他会把它们一下子烧掉的.
' Hell's afire -- Well, I beg your pardon again." 那才丢你三辈子的脸呢 ---- 唔, 再一次请你原谅.
My skin was presently afire.我的皮肤在发烧.
His voice sounded louder and higher, as if he were afire with eagerness and rage.他的声音又大又尖, 仿佛他已经怒不可遏,迫不及待了.
When the heart is afire, some sparks will fly out at the mouth.〔谚语〕心里有甚么, 嘴上藏不住,心直口快.
afire is quickly trodden out , which , being suffered, rivers cannot quench.星星之火一旦燎原, 则江河之水难扑灭.
And if you set this brain of mine afire.你往我的脑子里扔一把火.
When the Spirit comes in, he sets our hearts afire the Lord.当圣灵来到时, 他会在我们的心中点燃侍奉主的烈火.
His breath sets coals afire; a flame pours from his mouth.它的气息可点燃煤炭,火焰由它口中射出.
The house afire was a kitchen.着火的房子是厨房.