... burn-rate exponent 燃烧速率指数 burn out rate 烧损率 burn-rate 燃烧速率 ...
The software can work out, for example, the exact rate at which a plane should rise into thinner air (to reduce drag) as fuel burn makes it lighter.比如,它能够计算出飞机向最薄的云层(以减轻阻力)上升的准确率,以减轻飞机自身重量。
For all you entrepreneurs out there, the three cash related numbers you need to be on top of are current cash balance, cash burn rate, and months of runway.对于所有的企业家来说,必须掌控好的3个数字是:当前现金余额,每月平均烧钱量,剩余的“起飞”时间。