Spending could outrun the capacity of businesses to produce the goods.消费有可能超出企业的产能。
businesses are feeling the indirect effects from the recession that'sgoing on elsewhere.企业感受到了别处经济衰退带来的间接影响。
Look at the numbers of small businesses that are being hammered unmercifully.看看有多少小企业正在遭受无情的打击。
The group plans to concentrate on six core businesses.该集团打算主营6种业务。
She is a patron of small businesses and trades.她是几个小企业和小手工艺者的资助人。
I wrote hundreds of begging letters to charities and businesses.我给慈善团体和商业机构写了几百封求助信。
There is a lack of people wanting to start up new businesses.有创业意愿的人非常匮乏。
Predatory pricing by large supermarkets was threatening the livelihood of smaller businesses.大型超市的掠夺性价格正威胁着小商店的生计。
Most large businesses were collectivized at the start of the war.大部分大型企业在战争初期都转为了公有。
They offer every inducement to foreign businesses to invest in their states.他们为外国企业提供种种优厚条件,以吸引这些企业到他们所在的州投资。
The majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months.大多数小企业在开张后的24个月内就倒闭了。
The programme aims to forge links between higher education and small businesses.这个项目旨在为高等教育和小企业之间建立联系。
These businesses stimulate the creation of local jobs.这些企业有助于为当地创造更多就业机会。
Lonrho's mining and minerals businesses showed some improvement.朗荷公司的采矿及矿产业务有了些起色。