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closed circuit television

[电视] 闭路电视

...有一种监控系统称为CCTV,注意,这处的CCTV可不是我们清楚知道的中国中央媒体的减写,而是closed circuit television(闭路电视)的略称,该系统经过遥感摄像机及其匡助设施,直接仔细查看被检查查看场所的事情状况,同时可以把被检查查看场所的事情状况施行同...


它也是闭路电视监控系统closed circuit television)的缩写。就是在这时,宋见波接到老总的内线电话要他过去。


我估计你连CCTV是什么的简称都不知道,告诉你,在国际上,CCTV就是闭路电视系统closed circuit television)的简称,不是某个电视台的简称。


管道内窥检测(closed circuit television)是目前国际上用于管道状况检测最为先进和有效的手段。

There is a closed circuit television and hi-fi system in the room.


In education,closed-circuit television makes it easy for a whole class to see everything a teacher demonstrates.


The plant is operated entirely by remote control and monitored by closed circuit television or periscope.


Researchers observed the children via closed - circuit television and recorded their activities.


Double password lock, closed - circuit television surveillance systems, video intercom system.

双重密码门锁, 闭路电视 监视系统, 可视对讲系统.

The technology behind this may be satellite system, closed - circuit television or cable television.

它所采用的技术可以是卫星系统 、 闭路电视 或有线电视.

Village of existing standards between the 183 guest rooms provide 24 - hour water, closed - circuit television , broadband access.

度假村现有标准间183间,客房提供24小时温泉水, 闭路电视, 宽带接入.

Current, china pays cost TV to occupy closed - circuit television 5 % be less than.

现在, 中国付费电视占 闭路电视 的5%都不到.

It is Used in the fields of closed - circuit television system, CATV system and other electronic equipments.

适用于 闭路电视 系统 、 有线电视系统及其它电子装置.

Are closed circuit television cameras ( CCTV ) used to monitor the shipping dock and container loading areas?


In education, closed - circuit television makes it easy for a class to see everything a teacher demonstrates.

在教育方面, 闭路电视 能使全班同学易于看清教师所演示的一切.


