1945年7月16日拂晓, 这枚原子弹被引爆.
Then Saigon's method of doing battle began to dawn on us.不久,西贡的作战手法渐渐显露出来.
They had struck the island at dawn, on schedule.他们已按战斗日程在拂晓时分袭击了这个岛屿.
It didn't dawn on me that I was getting the bum's rush.我不明白,我竟要被赶走.
The real reason for her silence did not dawn on Charles at first.开头,查尔斯还没弄清她沉默下来的原因呢.
Just before dawn on February 24, the whole horizon suddenly began flashing.2月24日黎明前, 整个地平线开始闪闪发光.
Slowly to dawn on me: I have been a nightmare.渐渐地,我明白了: 我一直在做噩梦.
At dawn on the 13 th the'Carnatic'entered the port of Yokohama.11月13号,卡尔纳蒂克号趁着 早潮 开进了横滨港口.
The consequences of your actions will dawn on you sooner or later.你所作所为的后果迟早会显现出来的.
It's dawn on a quiet Hawaiian beach and waves are rolling in.黎明时分,在夏威夷某个宁静的海滩,巨浪一波波地卷向岸边.
At dawn on Mount Sinai, camels rest and Said Spayel prays.清晨时分的西奈山上, 骆驼正在休息,萨依德.斯贝耶尓则在祷告着.
The truth began to dawn on him.他开始明白那个道理.
I had to go dawn on the floor to play with the baby.和婴儿玩耍我只有趴在地上.
At what stage in your life did that idea first dawn on you?在你人生的哪个阶段你开始顿悟的?
But something slowly began to dawn on me 'u2013 I still loved what I did.但是我渐渐了曙光,我仍然喜爱我从事的这些东西.