The detainees are often held in cruel and inhuman conditions.被拘留者经常被羁押在既残酷又不人道的环境里。
They interceded with the authorities on behalf of the detainees.他们为被拘留者向当局求情。
detainees complained of being given food which is inedible.被拘留者抱怨提供的食物不堪下咽。
The detainees are often held in cruel and inhuman conditions.被拘留者的关押环境常常恶劣严酷、很不人道。
Several detainees had been summarily executed.几个在押犯被草草处决。
They interceded with the authorities on behalf of the detainees.他们为被拘留者向当局求情。
The custom agents were conducting a skin search on the detainees.海关事务官们正在对这些政治拘留犯们实行搜身.
A mass trial for more than 100 of the detainees began Saturday.对超过100名的被拘留者的集体审判件于周六开始.
After release, detainees are subject to a statutory supervision period of one year.羁留者获释后须接受为期一年的法定监管.
detainees are routinely subjected to severe beatings, torture and other ill - treatment.被监禁的人时时受到严刑苦打与凌虐.
God knows who these detainees actually are, and what terrible fate awaits them.上帝知道被关押者是谁, 苦难的命运等着他们.
We were forced along with the other detainees to take off our clothes.我们被迫和其他被拘留的人一起脱掉衣服.
The detainees at Guantanamo Bay are being treated humanely, in conditions consistent with the Geneva Convention.关押在关塔纳莫湾的拘留者受到人道待遇, 符合日内瓦公约的要求.
Amnesty alleges that in some cases detainees were severely beaten to force them to confess.特赦组织宣称,被囚禁的村民遭到了严刑逼供,被迫对一些案件认了罪.
detainees will also be restricted to some basic facilities during their stay on those units.呆在该等单元期间,被拘留人同时将只能限于使用一些基本的设施.
detainees are angry aboutin time it is taking for their asylum claims to be dealt with.被拘留者们对此时拘留他们感到气愤,因为他们认为受理他们的庇护请求是理所当然的.
detainees who think they have been in secret CIA detention facilities have reported serious abuse there.以为被关押在中情局秘密关押地点的被拘者已经告发了那里严重的虐待.