"the fall of the House of Hapsburg"
Thedownfall of a successful or powerful person or institution is their loss of success or power.
e.g. His lack of experience had led to hisdownfall.
e.g. ...people wishing to see thedownfall of the government.
The thing that was a person'sdownfall caused them to fail or lose power.
e.g. His honesty had been hisdownfall...
e.g. Alan'sdownfall was women.
1. (毁灭):据英国<>报道,这部名为<>(downfall)的影片改变了德国电影界以往只让希特勒当背景人物的惯例,希特勒首次在二战后的德国电影中当了一回主人公.
2. 衰败:主角是上世纪四十年代地下抗纳粹组织白玫瑰的唯一女成员,在慕尼黑大学派发传单被捕,六日后被判叛国处死. 或者<>不会像粉饰希特勒的<>(downfall)一般扬名立万,但是公道自在人心,它才是万古流芳的英雄传记.
3. downfall
3. 帝國毀滅:<>(NAPOLA)与 <>(downfall)、<>(Sophie Scholl:The Final Days)被德国人并列为二次大战60周年的<>.
The sex scandal finally led to his downfall.这桩绯闻最终使他身败名裂。
Alan's downfall was women.艾伦栽在了“女人”这两个字上。
His honesty had been his downfall...他败在诚实。
...people wishing to see the downfall of the government.希望看到政府倒台的人们
His lack of experience had led to his downfall.经验不足导致了他的下台。
Placing a guard there proved to be your downfall.那里被安置一个守卫(无头将军)就是你失策的地方.
I only know that I was the cause of their sin and downfall.我只知道,他们堕落的原因是我.
Whole books have been written about the inevitable downfall of the House of Saud.有很多本书都写到了沙特阿拉伯国家的必然覆灭.
That mistake will hasten his downfall.那个错误将加速他的垮台.
It'sped the downfall of his enterprise.这加速了他事业的垮台.
The downfall was expected to last the entire day.大雨预计将持续一整天.
After the downfall of the Gang of Four , everything has been changing here in China too.粉碎“四人帮”后, 我们国内的各种事情都在变.
Was this my final downfall?这是不是我最后的堕落 呢 ?
They knew that mistake would only hasten his downfall.他们知道,这个错误只会加速他的垮台.
The enemies are scheming her downfall.敌人正在策划使她垮台.
Now he watched a glazed look of helplessness in his eyes a certain stupor of downfall.现在,他为某种幻灭感所携裹,正凝望着马队,他目光呆滞,无能为力.
That is why after I came to Canada my Chinese skills went into a rapid downfall.这就是为什么我来到加拿大后,中文水平一落千丈的原因.
Drink was his downfall.酗酒是使他走上毁灭道路的原因.
His vanity brought his downfall.他因虚荣心太重而垮台.
Various factors contributed to his downfall.多种因素导致了他的垮台.
Your pride has brought your people to their downfall, just as it was in ancient days.你的狂妄自大带给了你的人民毁灭, 就好象在远古时代那次一样.
Evil characters generally rely on themselves, and their pride leads to their downfall.邪恶的人通常依赖自己, 他们的傲慢最终导致他们灭亡.
The highest pitch of every passion is always to will its own downfall.激情在其至高点时总是情愿自身悴然下降.
He had powerful enemies who engineered his downfall.他的敌人势力强大,他们策划了他的下台.
Recurrent slave uprisings brought about the downfall of the ancient Roman Empire.不断出现的奴隶起义导致了古罗马帝国的覆灭.
Three months later he obtained a divorce, causing the minister's downfall by naming him correspondent.三个月之后他离了婚,并揭露外交部长即是奸夫, 从而把他赶下了台.
This crisis led to the downfall of the government.这一危机使政府倒台了.
This is what appears to have led to the bank's downfall.这好像就是导致该银号垮台的原因.
His pride procured his downfall.他的骄傲使他垮台了.
The downfall of his great expectations.
出自:W. IrvingThe..intellectual arrogance which led to his downfall in Greats.
出自:R. P. Graves