When youdoze, you sleep lightly or for a short period, especially during the daytime.
e.g. For a while she dozed fitfully.
相关词组:doze off
1. 打盹:一个半导体元件的耗电,即是这两项功耗的加总:3.打盹(doze):主处理器和汇流排交换器都停止,透过对时脉控制器(clock controller)模组的预先设定,一些特定的周边也能在此模式时自动的关掉时脉供给.
2. 瞌睡:这些模式包括传统的昏睡(nap)、瞌睡(doze)和沉睡(sleep)模式,外加新增的JOG(动态频率调节)以及不丢包的深度沉睡(deep sleep)模式. 设计人员将能够利用这些模式,以适量的功耗来有效地执行需要完成的工作.
3. 小睡:但对在学校的草坪上小睡(doze)的女孩,这钟声更像是闹铃声. 一个只是站在那里就散发出成熟的魅力与平和(serenity)的女生.
4. 腐朽:dowse 急松 |doze 腐朽 |dozen 打(数量单位
He closed his eyes and seemed to doze.他闭上眼睛,好像在打瞌睡。
We couldn't help but doze off during his lecture.他演讲时我们不得不打瞌睡。
He fell into a doze.他打起盹儿来了。
He was so tried that he fell into a doze.他疲倦得打起瞌睡来。
I had a quick doze on the train.我在火车上打了一会儿瞌睡。
There's nothing like a little doze after lunch.午饭后打一会儿盹是最适意不过了。
She dozed off in front of the fire.她在炉火前打起盹儿来。
I had a doze on the train.我在火车上打了个盹儿。
For a while she dozed fitfully.有一阵子,她时睡时醒。
Do not go doze off in the middle of the meeting.不要在开会中打盹儿.
doze off in class.上课打瞌睡.
I began to doze off and pulled myself up sharp.我开始迷迷糊糊睡去了,立刻又惊醒过来.
There's nothing like a little doze after lunch.午饭后打一会儿盹是最适意不过了.
The company has forecast that future chi will eventually contain doze or even hundreds of cores.公司预测未来的芯片将会逐步包含几十个甚至几百个内核.
After a while he started to doze.过了一会儿,他便鼾声大作了.
Thinking ourselves perfectly secure, we began to doze.我们认为太平无事了,一个个都昏昏欲睡.
Mrs. Chang closed her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. She seemed to doze.她说了这些话,便闭上眼睛,两手交叉地放在胸前, 好像就要睡去似的.
Do you sometimes doze off in class?(你上课偶尔会打瞌睡 吗 ?)
Do not doze in class.上课时别打瞌睡.
Suddenly awakened and doze also by the sudden shouts that ran away.一下子惊醒了,瞌睡也被这突如其来的喊叫声叫跑了.
He fall into a doze.他打起盹儿来了.
I had a quick doze on the train.我在火车上打了一会儿瞌睡.
He likes ( to have ) a doze after dinner.他喜欢饭后小睡片刻.
He fell into a doze, ie began to doze.他打起瞌睡来了.
Some students often doze off in class.有些学生常在课堂上打瞌睡.
Mr. McKee awoke from his doze and started in a daze toward the door.麦基先生打盹醒了,懵懵懂懂地朝门口走.
I wanted to have a doze before I started my night shift.在上夜班前,我想打个盹.
The hoarse messenger had dropped into a doze.这粗鲁的信差已经沉入昏睡之中.
No one will thank you for a doze in such a den!没有人因为在这个鬼地方睡上一觉而感谢你的!
Marketing involves not just logic but a greater doze of matters of the heart.销售不仅逻辑性要强,而且更重要的一点还要能够打动人心.
He likes ( to have ) a doze after lunch.他喜欢午饭后打个盹.
Whenever you have a doze , your boss will appear behind.你的老板总会在你打瞌睡时出现.
When the doze was doubled, scientist's discovered something hidious.此句暂解释为:但药剂加倍注入后, 科学家们发现一些骇人听闻的信息.
While the adults doze, the young play.大人们在打瞌睡, 而孩子们在玩耍.
The swish of the tyres lulled him into a light doze.车轮呼呼地转着,他不一会儿便打起瞌睡来。
I dozed off in the middle of the meeting.
The tobacco had..dozed my head.