"he spoke with great ardor"
"his face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled"
"he tried to calm those who were in a state of extreme inflammation"
1. 热诚:fertilizer 肥料 |fervor 热诚 | festival 节庆
2. 群情激昂:169 Boil 沸腾 5 | 174fervor 群情激昂 5 | 180 Flashfires 火烧旷野 5
3. 热心:ferva 热心的 fervid | fervo 热心fervor | festeno 宴会,酒席 feast
He took up the cause with evangelical fervor.他以传道者般的热情投身于这一事业。
The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor.修道者的独身观念含有禁欲与宗教热情之意.
He did so, moreover, with a nearly messianic fervor and aplomb.并且, 他以近乎救世主般的热情与沉着来做这些事.
Now that I look back, those were days with a religious fervor.回想起来, 那些日子还带点宗教似的热诚.
His enthusiasm and fervor thrives for good quality electronic dance music.他的热情和狂热让他的电子舞蹈音乐达到了极高的造诣.
When the Romantic Movement was still in its first fervor.在浪漫主义运动仍很高涨之时.
BEIJING - They came. They expressed patriotic fervor. Then they shopped.他们来了,他们表达他们爱国的狂热. 然后他们就买东西.
He straightened his clothes and sat properly , speaking with fervor and assurance.他正襟危坐,侃侃而谈.
He speaks to us with great fervor.他热情洋溢地对我们说.
She fought with a fervor never seen before.她以从未有过的热情投入斗争.
Her fervor moved all of us.她的热心感动了我们全体.
And the young are responding with ~ fervor.这些年轻人也热情回应他们.
What's happened to Nepal, that young people like Ranju are killing each other with such fervor?尼泊尔为何会这样,为什么像冉淑这样的年轻人热衷于屠杀自己的同胞?
The fervor surrounding Liu's run had become commonplace in the run upto the August Games.对于刘的热烈期待是非常平凡的并且在八月份达到了鼎盛.