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当前位置:首页单词大全 gastritis
英[ɡæ'straɪtɪs] 美[ɡæ'straɪtɪs]
  1. inflammation of the lining of the stomach; nausea and loss of appetite and discomfort after eating


1. gastritis

1. 胃炎:②食管肿...第二节 胃肠疾病 一、胃炎 胃炎(gastritis)是胃粘膜的炎性变化,是一种常见病,可分为急性胃炎和慢性胃炎. 慢性胃炎可由急性胃炎反复发作迁延而来,但多数因其他全身性因素及胆汁反流至胃内引起. 近年发现,从慢性胃炎患者胃粘膜中分离出一种螺旋状弯曲杆...

2. 胃痛:外伤` traumatismo | 胃痛gastritis | 消化不良 indigestion

3. 瘦素受体:损伤:lesions | 瘦素受体:gastritis | 乳腺:Breast benign lesions

4. gastritis的反义词

4. 胃炎、胃粘膜炎:11.rhinitis 鼻炎 | 12.gastritis 胃炎、胃粘膜炎 | 13.hepatitis 肝炎

Another association with gastritis is pernicious anemia.


Helicobacter pylori is associated with as chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer , gastric lymphoma and gastric cancer.

幽门螺杆菌是一种与慢性胃炎 、 胃溃疡及胃癌的发生密切相关的致病菌.

The second is fit for chronic gastritis.


Emotions and feelings that are hidden, repressed, end in illnesses as: gastritis, ulcer, lumbar pains, spinal.

情感和感情被隐藏 、 被压抑会导致胃炎 、 胃溃疡 、 腰腿痛 、 脊椎病.

Objective To study the correlation between globus sensation and chronic antral gastritis.


Be pregnant can gastritis eat gentamicin to because of, get stuck dimension B 12?

怀孕了胃炎能吃庆大霉素卡因维B12颗 吗 ?

gastritis may occur suddenly ( acute gastritis ) or it can occur slowly over time ( chronic gastritis ).

胃炎可突发 ( 急性胃炎 ) 或随时间缓慢发生 ( 慢性胃炎 ).

There was no bile reflux gastritis , retrograde infection, anastomosic ulcer, dumping syndrome.

全组无胆汁反流性胃炎 、 吻合口溃疡 、 行性感染和倾倒综合征发生.

Objective : To observe the therapeutic effect on bile reflux gastritis treated by Tongjiang Hewei Decoction.

目的: 观察通降和胃汤治疗胆汁返流性胃炎的疗效.

gastritis is often accompanied by infection with Helicobacter pylori.


gastritis may cause symptoms resembling those of peptic ulcer.


Hospital of Shanghai where home treats gastric disease excuse me ( chronic gastritis ) better?

请问上海哪家医院治疗胃病 ( 慢性胃炎 ) 比较好?

How does acute gastritis have to treat?

急性胃炎有哪些症状怎么治疗 呢 ?

Conclusion: gastritis ( Weiwantong ) is mainly produced by the malfunctions of Wei , Gan and Pi.

结论: 胃、肝、脾三脏功能失常导致了胃炎 ( 胃脘痛 ) 的发生.

Hm , after getting chronic gastritis, appetite worse and worse, is the concern not big 8?

唔, 得了慢性胃炎以后, 胃口越来越差, 关系不大八?

Can be alga treated gastritis and go spot?

螺旋藻能治疗胃炎和去斑 吗 ?

Objective Observe the therapeutic effect of Wenzhong Huayi Tang on spleen deficiency of atrophic gastritis ( CAG ).

目的观察自拟温中化异汤治疗萎缩性 胃炎 脾虚证的疗效.

Objective Explore the effect of Pingwei Jiangni decoction on bile regurtative gastritis.


At high power, gastric mucosa demonstrates infiltration by neutrophils . This is acute gastritis.


This article makes a summary on the chronic withering gastritis treatment.


Objective : To observe the clinical effect of MXD in treating chronic erosive gastritis.


I'm afraid it's an acute gastritis.


Objective : To explore the therapeutic effect of Shudanhewei capsule in treating Bile Reflux gastritis ( BRG ).

目的: 探讨舒胆和胃胶囊治疗胆汁反流性胃炎 ( BRG ) 的临床疗效.

In acute gastritis all food and water should be withheld for at least 24 hours.


Note arthritis, cervical spondylosis, duodenum, gastritis , paying particular attention to urological and gynecological diseases.

注意关节炎, 颈椎病, 十二指肠, 胃炎, 尤其要注意泌尿系统和妇科疾病.

Objective Probe into the effective nursing measure of child's chronic gastritis.


The stomach department mucous membrane alsopossibly receives injures, causes the gastritis to occur.

胃部黏膜也可能受到伤害, 导致胃炎发生.

The flowing esophagitis, gush door ulcer bleeding, chronic gastritis and superficial where the best treatment?

反流性食管炎, 喷门溃疡合并出血, 慢性浅表性胃炎,在哪里治疗最好?


