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当前位置:首页单词大全 grips
英[grɪps] 美[grɪps]
vbl.抓爪 n.(Grips)人名;(德)格里普斯 v.握紧,夹住;附着,紧贴;使感兴趣,吸引某人)注意;对……产生强有力的影响(grip 的第三人称单数形式)
名词 grip:
  1. the act of grasping

  2. the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it

  3. a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes

  4. the friction between a body and the surface on which it moves (as between an automobile tire and the road)

  5. worker who moves the camera around while a film or television show is being made

  6. an intellectual hold or understanding

  7. a flat wire hairpin whose prongs press tightly together; used to hold bobbed hair in place

动词 grip:
  1. hold fast or firmly

  2. to grip or seize, as in a wrestling match

  3. to render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe

Let us close in on nature and come to grips with her.


The inner surface of the hoop has rubber grips or steel cleats.


He came to grips with the problem.


It grips sth . in its death clutch.


Oil - exporting countries, as they come to grips with the decline in oil prices, face this issue.

石油出口国目前在极力应付油价的下跌, 它们也面临着这个问题.

Indeed, some great scholars never come to grips with those realities at all.

的确, 有些伟大的学者永远不能理解安全那些现实.

It is a relentless or irresistible action of the machine grips or crosshead.


Indignation grips me because of the wicked , who have forsaken your law.


I still haven't come to grips with my divorce.


It's not fear that grips him, only a heightened sense of things.

并不是害怕束缚了他, 而是对某种东西不断加深的感受.

It'simply fits under the door knob and grips on the floor.


We to come to grips with this critical situation.


I am reading when a rare emotion grips me.


Logo Badge, Keychain, Magnet, Frame, Luggage, Hair grips Badges and Emblems.

采购产品图案的徽章, 钥匙圈, 磁铁, 相框, 行李, 头发正视徽章和标志.

Automotive Applications, Automotive Sector, Cell Phones, Cellular Telephone, Flexible grips.

汽车应用, 汽车行业, 手机, 移动电话, 柔性力.


