Aninterviewer is a person who is asking someone questions at an interview.
1. 访问员::入户或电话访问员(interviewer)通过问卷调查等收集市场和消费者资讯协助研究单位了解市场状况.主要是在公司利用电话电脑等方式进行电话访问与核查每周有24-30个小时以上的空闲时间.公司每天的班次时间为9:00-13:0013:00-17:0017:-21:00等3个时间段每周调节做满8个班次以上即可.公司有上班的工作卡以用于统计上班时间数.所以
2. 采访者:恰好最近因为工作关系,我作为报社代表之一,参与了两场面试,两位受访者(interviewee)都是刚刚毕业的新闻硕士. 套用采访的比喻,也许只能说她是一个不太谨慎的受访者(interviewee),没有了解采访者(interviewer)的确切意图就答应接受采访.
3. interviewer的解释
3. 面试官:但是令人万万没有想到的是Monica的面试官(interviewer)在简单的问了几个问题后,Monica在求职简历(resume)中显然是撒了谎,不过这样带来了很好的幽默效果,因为当面试官问及简历的证明人(reference)时,她说是Chandler.
4. 访问者:可藉由雏形 (Prototypes) 来测试.既有文件通常可能与现实不符;可能过时 (out of date) 或无法反应实际状况下的公司策略个别接触可以让访问者 (interviewer) 对使用者所陈述内容作出反应;
interviewer You must have a full life.采访者您一定过着充实的生活。
The interviewer was prepossessed by his good manners.他那有礼貌的态度就先给面试主考官留下了好印象。
interviewer: Nice to meet you!招聘者: 很高兴见到你.
His brother is an interviewer.他的哥哥是个记者.
Finally, be sure to ask your interviewer when he anticipates making a decision.最后要问一问他什么时候会有结果.
The interviewer surnamed Li was detained by police.这位姓李的面试官已经被警察拘留.
interviewer: Can you explain to me how film editing works?你能象我解释电影编辑是怎样一个工作 吗 ?
When answering questions to face the interviewer.回答问题的时候要面对面试官.
Supporting your head a hand will leave a bad impression on your interviewer.面试时用手撑着头不会给考官留下好的印象.
interviewer What do you mean by a friend, Allen?采访者爱伦,你认为朋友是什么?
interviewer: What are you looking for in a new job?面试官: 你对新工作有什麽期望?
In most cases the interviewer will give you feedback on the test.在大多数情况下,该面试官会给你测试反馈信息.
In short, look straight ahead and pay close attention to a Western interviewer during an interview.简言之, 和西方面试官面试时,要笔直地看著对方并专心注意他的动作.
Focus on what you can offer the interviewer address his problems.围绕“我能为你提供什么”回答考官的问题.
interviewer: Is there anywhere where the weather is hot?采访者: 有没有什么地方的天气是热的?
interviewer: We are going to recommend you for immediate hiring into the marketing department.微软: 我们建议你马上到市场部上任.
interviewer : You knew Frost when you were a fellow at Harvard.你在哈佛的时候就认识了弗洛斯特.
If the interviewer about your family or school speak with loyalty and affection.当面试官提到你的家庭和学校时,你说话时要显得忠诚和热爱.
This article shares questions appropriate for every type of interviewer.这篇文章为你提供一些适合问各种面试官的问题.
I answered all the questions raised by the interviewer with assurance.我信心十足地回答了面试人提出的所有问题.
I used to be interviewee, and now I'm a interviewer. But I don't have any improvement.曾经被人面试, 现在给人面试. 可自己却不曾有什么进步.
interviewer : Do you see these poems in a similar light to your riddles and games poems?你用看待你谜语诗和打油诗的态度看待这些诗 吗 ?
With Mark , the interviewer was eager to have him return for a tryout day.可是招聘人员却迫切地要求Mark马上上岗试工.
The interviewer cornered the politician with a particularly tricky question.采访者用一个极其巧妙的问题难住了那个政客.
Don't about career path. The interviewer is not your manager and won't about that.不要询问职业发展道路. 面试官不是你的经理,他对此并不关心.
interviewer: How would you describe yourself?面试官: 你会如何描述自己?
Display reserved confidence. Let the interviewer control the interview.不要锋芒毕露. 让主考控制面试过程.
Ask the interviewer to restate a question if you are confused.卖出采访重申一个问题如果你是困惑.
Often the interviewer will need to play devil's advocate in order to get a discussion going.采访者常常需要故意唱唱反调以使访谈继续下去。
He once told an interviewer that he didn't even like rock music.他曾告诉一位采访者,他甚至都不喜欢摇滚乐。
It was on television that he made an even stronger impact as an interviewer.作为采访者,是电视让他产生了更大的影响。