Ajungle is a forest in a tropical country where large numbers of tall trees and plants grow very close together.
e.g. ...the mountains and jungles of Papua New Guinea...
e.g. The mountain area is covered entirely in densejungle.
If you describe a place asa jungle, you are emphasizing that it is full of lots of things and very untidy.
e.g. ...ajungle of stuffed birds, knick-knacks, potted plants.
If you describe a situation asa jungle, you dislike it because it is complicated and difficult to get what you want from it.
e.g. Social security law and procedure remain ajungle of complex rules.
e.g. ...the examinationjungle.
If you refer tothe law of the jungle, you are referring to a situation in which there are no laws or rules to govern the way that people behave and people use force to get what they want.
e.g. If you make aggression pay, this becomes the law of thejungle...
e.g. The law of thejungle demands: kill or be killed.
jungle is a style of dance music with a fast drum beat.
1. 热带丛林:住在嘉义的黄国泰兄亲自对我说,他已去了三次,还没能看完,又想再去.在自己有限的资讯调查之下,才知原来世界人类奇迹文化遗产的吴哥窟,建於西元十世纪到十二世纪之间,曾埋没於热带丛林(jungle)达七百多年之久.直到一八六0年代,
2. jungle
2. 丛林乐:从内容上来说,包括了鼓与贝斯(Drum n Bass)、丛林乐(jungle)、闲逸音乐(Lounge)、弛放(Chill Out),环境音乐(Ambient)等等各种风格的<>几乎可以让你目瞪口呆.
3. 森林:打破传统CLUB中的座椅概念,使身心得到更大的自由度和更好的舒缓--上百种世界名酒与特色鶏尾酒,让一向挑剔的城中新贵们有了最好的选择:森林(jungle)的清新爽口,由几种不同水果味带出一种回到大自然丛林中的感觉;
This jungle juice will knock you for a loop.你喝了这种烈酒会醉倒的。
There's not much jungle 100 miles inland.向内地100英里处丛林较少。
The new road was hacked out of the jungle.这条新路是在丛林地带开辟出来的。
The scientist discovered the plant in the most inaccessible reaches of the jungle.这位科学家在丛林深处最难进入的区域发现了这种植物。
A bull elephant was rampaging about in the jungle.一头雄象在丛林里横冲直撞。
The area was covered in dense jungle.这个地区丛林密布。
the jungles of South-East Asia东南亚热带丛林
jungle warfare丛林战
Our garden is a complete jungle.我们的花园杂草丛生。
It's a jungle out there'u2500you've got to be strong to succeed.那是个弱肉强食的地方——要成功就得是强者。
...the mountains and jungles of Papua New Guinea...巴布亚新几内亚的山脉和丛林
The mountain area is covered entirely in dense jungle.山区完全掩映在茂密的丛林中。
...a jungle of stuffed birds, knick-knacks, potted plants.堆满了鸟类标本、小摆设和盆栽植物的乱七八糟的地方
Social security law and procedure remain a jungle of complex rules.有关社会保障的法律和程序仍旧是个充满错综复杂的规则的危险领域。
...the examination jungle.竞争激烈的考试
If you make aggression pay, this becomes the law of the jungle...如果你通过侵略谋取利益,这就成了弱肉强食。
The law of the jungle demands: kill or be killed.丛林法则要求的是:杀戮或者被杀。
The tiger prowled through the jungle.老虎在森林里潜行觅食.
A new highway knifes through the jungle.一条新公路穿越森林.
We went deep into the jungle.我们走进丛林深处.
This place is turning into a jungle already.这个地方已变得乱七八糟.
The expedition through the jungle was fraught with difficulty and danger.穿越森林的探险充满着艰辛和危险.
Exploring a jungle alive with wild animals is hazardous.探察活跃着野兽的丛林是危险的.
She gave a thrilling account of her life in the jungle.她绘声绘色地描述了自己在丛林中的生活.
Don't venture into the jungle without a guide.没有向导,不要冒险到丛林里去.
Tigers are found in the jungle of Asia.在亚洲的丛林中有老虎.
The explorers had to rough it when they got into the jungle.那些探险者进入丛林后,不得不过着艰苦的生活.
They cut out a path through the jungle.他们在密林中开出了一条小路.
The journey through the jungle was perilous.穿过丛林的旅行充满了危险.
The hunters hewed a path through the jungle.猎手们在森林里开出了一条路.
Our soldiers lay in ambush in the jungle for the enemy.我方战士埋伏在丛林中等待敌人.
The lion is king of the jungle.狮子是丛林之王.
He tooled the jeep skillfully along the jungle path.他沿着林中小路熟练地驾驶吉普车行进.
They slashed / the jungle and burned it and planted..corn.
出自:W. Bronk