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major general
On July 3 Lee ordered an assault on that center, spearheaded by major general George Pickett's fresh division.


Police major general Chokchai Deeprasertwit said the fire may have been caused by firecrackers brought into the club by guests or by sparks flying from a pyrotechnics countdown on the stage.

警察少将Chokchai Deeprasert wit说火灾可能是由于客人带入的烟火燃放引起,或者是由于舞台上的倒计时烟花飞溅所导致。

major general NICK CARTER (Commander British Forces, Afghanistan) : Part of it may be down to seasonality and the fact that they're disappearing for the winter because the leaf is coming off the tree.

General Nick Carter少校(英军在阿富汗的指挥官):一部分原因是因为战斗的季节性,实际上就是因为冬天到了,树上的叶子都掉光了。

