"the nascent chicks"
"a nascent insurgency"
nascent things or processes are just beginning, and are expected to become stronger or to grow bigger.
e.g. ...Kenya'snascent democracy.
e.g. ...the stillnascent science of psychology.
1. 新生的:乳糜微粒是在小肠粘膜细胞中生成的,食物中的脂类在细胞滑面内质网上经再酯化后与粗面内质网上合成的载脂蛋白构成新生的(nascent)乳糜微粒(包括甘油三酯、胆固醇酯和磷脂以及poB48),经高尔基复合体分泌到细胞外,进入淋巴循环最终进入血液.
2. 幼稚的:游说努力lobby effort | 幼稚的nascent | 有担保的残值guaranteed residual value
3. 发展初期的:nascent 初生的 |nascent 发展初期的 | nastic 感性的
China's nascent stock market turned in a stellar performance中国新生的股票市场取得第一流的表现。
The nascent reform has been changing a lot of people's life.尚不成熟的改革改变了很多人的生活。
But China is a nascent superpower.而中国则是一个新兴超级大国。
China's nascent stock market turned in a stellar performance.中国新生的股票市场取得第一流的表现。
...Kenya's nascent democracy.新生的肯尼亚民主政治
...the still nascent science of psychology.方兴未艾的心理学
Despite a nascent democracy movement, there's little traction for direct suffrage.尽管有过一次新生的民主运动, 但几乎不会带来直接选举.
A nascent environmental protection industry has also emerged.另外,中国的环境保护产业也逐渐出现.
But China is a nascent superpower.而中国则是一个新兴超级大国.
That slim book showed the Chinese intelligentsia and the nascent working class.那本小册子讲述了中国的知识界和新兴的工人阶级.
They argue that a strengthening of the currency would derail their nascent recovery.他们声称,货币升值会阻碍刚刚开始的制造业恢复进程.
Still, even local recognition marks a step forward for China's nascent civil society groups.尽管如此, 局部认可也标志着中国初生的公民社会组织已经前进了一步.
Each of these subsystems has two nascent technologies in common.此外,未来这些子系统的共同点就是均运用了两项新技术.
This episode illustrates both the potential and the constraints of the EU's nascent foreign policy.这一事件表明了欧盟尚不成熟的外交政策的内在潜力以及限制性.
A battle over music royalties threatens a nascent industry.音乐版税之战攸关新兴行业存亡.
nascent nano technologies are mashed up with bio technologies.新生的纳米技术与生物科技糅合起来.
Another area where a nascent recovery had been called is the battered Macau casino sector.另一个被认为已出现初步复苏的领域是之前受到重创的澳门博彩业.
Or degree, or will a certificate or nascent license be in love. enough?或者学校的证书或者执照够不够?
Our manager discovered a nascent talent.我们经理发现了一个新人才.
China is one: Even if its nascent economic recovery falters, it will likely keep gobbling commodities.中国就是其中 之一: 即使中国的经济复苏昙花一现, 但它也很可能继续大肆购买大宗商品.
This is the prime ratio of the nascent increments.这是最初增量的最初比.
The nascent plan was for the tapes to be flooded into Iraq and the Arab world.这个录像带的初生的计划,涌入了伊拉克和阿拉伯世界.
The fund management industry on the mainland is still at a nascent stage.中国内地的基金管理业仍处于萌芽阶段.
But higher fuel costs could hurt China's manufacturers, hindering the economy's nascent recovery.但成品油价格上涨可能会冲击到中国的制造业, 阻碍中国经济初露萌芽的复苏.
Politicians may have to turn to the nascent renewables industry to help ease the crunch.政府不得不求助还处于萌芽状态的可再生能源产业,以缓解危机.
During..the eighteenth century, the nascent discipline of geology languished under the tutelage of scriptural authority.
出自:Mollie HarrisHis look accused me of betraying his nascent respect for me.
出自:U. BentleyThis girl was innocent, her mind in a nascent state.
出自:R. K. Narayan