"This beats me!"
"Got me--I don't know the answer!"
"a vexing problem"
"This question really stuck me"
She expected him to ask for a scotch and was rather nonplussed when he asked her to mix him a martini and lemonade.她料想他会要一杯苏格兰威士忌,所以当他请她调一杯马提尼酒加柠檬水时,她有点不知所措。
' I'm so glad to see you,'said Carrie, pleased and yet nonplussed.“ 看见你我太高兴了, "嘉莉说, 既高兴又为难.
The young fellow was nonplussed.年轻光头的楞了一会儿,似乎不知怎样好了.
It was Tigress'turn to be nonplussed.虎妞倒没了主意.
Nixon, though no doubt nonplussed, continued to keep his thoughts to himself.尼克松对此事无疑感到进退维谷, 然而他依然噤若寒蝉.
Cowperwood was disturbed, nonplussed at this unexpected sight.柯帕乌一看见这种意外的情景,就感到心烦意乱, 不知所措.
She was hurt , angry, nonplussed.她感到伤心 、 气愤和狼狈.
nonplussed for a moment, Pug realized that the heavy pleasantry was intended as a kindness.帕格一时不知所措, 而后意识到这种叫人吃不消的取笑是存心表示亲热.
He was afraid of being treated as a provincial if he showed himself too much nonplussed.他怕露出过于惊惶失措的样子,会叫人家把他看成乡巴佬.
Ed seemed nonplussed till Andy explained: ' This means I'm staying the course. '李爱德开始似乎摸不着头脑,直到马普安开始解释: “ 这就意味着我可以撑下去. ”
I was nonplussed by what he asked me.我对他的问题不知怎么回答是好.
Mrs. Clinton nonplussed, before replying, ' Well, we will get along very well. '克林顿女士顿时有些困惑, 在回应前说: “ 恩, 我们会相处的很好的. ”
Prophets are never at a nonplus, never surprised.
出自:A. JessoppAbandoned members of the royal party..in a state of paralysed nonplus.
出自:A. Mars