To judge by the average age of chief executives in the US, Mr Mason may be being a little over-sensitive.以美国首席执行官的平均年龄来衡量,梅森可能有点过于敏感了。
For every girl who is tired of being called over-sensitive, there is a boy who fears to be gentle, to weep.女孩受够了“太敏感”的称号,男孩则惧怕自己文雅,或者哭泣。
I love you for understanding. I'm just - I'm beastly over - sensitive.我爱你,因为你对我是那么体贴入微, 刚才我只还是 —— 过于神经过敏了.
If you are an over sensitive person, try not to ask for his comments.如果你是个过于敏感的人, 尽量不要询问他的意见.