Some pregnant women lose the desire to drink coffee or wine and turn green at the sight of fish, meat, eggs or vegetables.有些孕妇不再爱喝咖啡或红酒,并且一看到鱼、肉、蛋或蔬菜就倒胃口。
However, after the mid-20s, the lizard-brain impulse to have more kids faces a stark reality: it's harder and harder to get pregnant as a woman's remaining eggs age.然而,从20到30年龄段的中段开始,来自蜥蜴脑(译注:蜥蜴脑是人脑中掌管与理性思考无关的部分,也被科学研究证实是掌握本能的古老部分。 [百度百科])的多育子女的内在冲动正面对一个残酷的现实:在这段仅存的生育期里,女人怀孕变得越来越难。