"she praised him sincerely for his victory"
"was unfeignedly glad to see his old teacher"
"we are truly sorry for the inconvenience"
If you say or feel somethingsincerely, you really mean or feel it, and are not pretending.
e.g. 'Congratulations,' he saidsincerely...
e.g. ...sincerely held religious beliefs...
In Britain, people write 'Yours sincerely' before their signature at the end of a formal letter when they have addressed it to someone by name. In the United States, people usually write 'sincerely yours' or 'sincerely' instead.
e.g. Yourssincerely, James Brown.
1. 真诚:奥巴马政府曾真诚(sincerely)地想改变对朝关系,但同时对非核化和非扩散也很认真. 朝鲜看到了前者却忽视了后者,我认为这非常不幸. 韩国中央日报中文网 http://cn.joins.com
2. 真诚地,诚恳地,真挚地:toilet 洗室 |sincerely 真诚地,诚恳地,真挚地 | previous 先的,前的
3. 真诚地:sincere 诚挚的 |sincerely 真诚地 | sincerity 诚挚
4. 真诚的:simultaneously 同时的 |sincerely 真诚的 | social 社会的
All of them..sincerely loved the young man, despite his cowardice.
出自:A. C. Amor