"fully grown"
"he didn't fully understand"
"knew full well"
If you tell a story, you'd better tell it to the full.讲故事最好别掐头去尾.
She probably has a good mind, which should be used to the full.她可能很有头脑,应该充分运用。
He was a guy who enjoyed life to the full.他是个尽情享受生活的人。
When Ciano faced the firing - squad he paid his debts to the full.当齐亚诺面对行刑队时,他完全偿清了他的债.
We savored, ( the pleasures of ) mountain life to the full.我们充分体会了山居生活的乐趣.
The range is usually limited to the full - scale deflection of the indicator.量程通常以指针的全分度偏转为限.
With almost maternal solicitude she urged him to let his nature open to the full.她又以几乎是母亲般地关怀,促使他毫无保留地展示自己的本性.
She laboured hard to the full extent of her talent and of her beauty.她用尽她的天才与美貌,去苦苦工作.
Some appliances, for example a water heater, are connected to the full 240 V.有些用电设备(如煮水器)联接在240伏上.
He utilizes the facts he observes to the full extent.译文:他总是最大限度地利用他所观察到的事实.
A. The bright - line status returns to the full screen.则可由亮线状态返回到全屏状态.
They are hindered from practising their profession to the full.他们不能充分实践他们的专业.
Richard always enjoys life to the full ( as much as possible ).理查德总是尽情地享受生活.
Good reading comprehension is the key to access to the full!做好阅读理解是获得充分的关键!