深刻的忧虑感 / 忧患意识
There was a growing unease about their involvement in the war.他们对卷入战争感到日益不安。
He was unable to hide his unease at the way the situation was developing.他无法掩饰对局势演变的忧虑。
Sensing my unease about the afternoon ahead, he told me,'These men are pretty easy to talk to.'...他感觉到了我对即将到来的下午忐忑不安,便对我说:“这些人说话都比较随和。”
We left with a deep sense of unease, because we knew something was being hidden from us...我们离开时心里感到很不安,因为我们知道有什么事瞒着我们。
He faces growing unease among the Democrats about the likelihood of war.他面临民主党内对可能出现的战事不断滋长的不满情绪。
...the depth of public unease about the economy...公众对经济现状深感不满
And there right of cancellation given of right to plea of unease traditionally.而不安抗辩权制度则要求有履行先后顺序,仅适用于履行不能的情况,且传统上没有赋予不安抗辩权人合同解除权.
There is some unease that this could threaten established fundamentals valued by cultures and disciplines.更令人忧虑的是这有可能威胁到文化和学科所确立的基础理念.
Literature often reacts magnificently to an ambience of unease or apparent breakdown.文学常常在不安或表面崩溃的气氛中才能做出最出色的反应.
There is a lot about the nature and composition of Chinese growth to cause unease.中国经济增长的性质和结构,有许多令人不安之处.
That unease has gradually faded.现在这种担忧已经逐渐消除.
They worried a lot about the social unease.他们对社会的不安定感到焦虑.
The unease cuts across party lines.这种不安打破了党派界限.
On July 5, Pyongyang launched another volley of missiles , sparking unease across the region.7月5日平壤的大规模试射使得该地区的不安情况加剧.
The unease goes far beyond the Johanneum.麻烦的还不止是约翰尼恩中学.
It comes in many forms: unease, worry, anxiety, nervousness, tension, dread, phobia, and so on.它以许多形式: 不安 、 忧愁 、 焦虑 、 神经质 、 张力 、 害怕 、 恐惧症等出现.
This does not quite account for his unease.这并没有说清楚他心绪不宁的缘由.
Blisteringly an eerie feeling of unease fills every meticulously composed frame.神秘;怪异;不安的感觉,沉着,严谨地充满了电影画面的每一帧.
As he suggests, this unease is intrinsic.正如他所说的, 这种不安的感觉是内在的.
There was a certain amount of unease between them.他们之间有点疙瘩.
Such unease is unsurprising given the psychological scars that last autumn inflicted.鉴于去年秋季给人们造成的心理创伤,这种不安并不令人感到意外.
I waited with growing unease for her return.我等着她回来,心里越来越不安.
The test, however, has created widespread unease.而此次试验却引起了广泛的不安.
There was nothing she could put her finger on, or articulate, just this lingering unease.她说不清楚, 只是一种挥之不去的不安感.
Behind the mocking laughter lurks a growing sense of unease.嘲笑声的背后潜伏着一种越来越强烈的不安。
We left with a deep sense of unease, because we knew something was being hidden from us.我们离开时心里感到很不安,因为我们知道有什么事瞒着我们。
His unease disarmed her.他的挂念化解了她的怒气。
He faces growing unease among the Democrats about the likelihood of war.他面临民主党内对可能出现的战事不断滋长的不满情绪。
Garland tried to appear casual, but he couldn't conquer his unease.加兰努力装出无所谓的样子,可是他没法克服自己的局促不安。
This kind of story creates a sense of unease in parents.