"a boisterous crowd"
"a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand"
"a robustious group of teenagers"
"beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings"
"an unruly class"
"unruly teenagers"
"the little boy's parents think he is spirited, but his teacher finds him unruly"
If you describe people, especially children, asunruly, you mean that they behave badly and are difficult to control.
e.g. It's not good enough just to blame theunruly children.
e.g. ...unruly behaviour.
unruly hair is difficult to keep tidy.
e.g. The man had a huge head of remarkably black,unruly hair.
1. unruly
1. 不守规矩的,不受约束的:stereotype成见,固定形象 |unruly 不守规矩的,不受约束的 | unveil使公诸于众
2. 任性的:unruliness 任性 |unruly 任性的 | unsaddle 解下马鞍
3. 不守纪律的:naughty 淘气的 |unruly 不守纪律的 | dependent 独立性差的
4. 不守法的:218违法的illicit | 219不守法的unruly | 211不履行责任的default if they can't raise the money to pay the debe, they will have to default.
The unruly students mocked their teacher.这群无法无天的学生嘲笑老师。
The unruly crowd became even more boisterous when he tried to quiet them.他试图使那些横蛮任性的人们安静下来,可他们却吵嚷得更加厉害。
an unruly class难管教的班级
unruly behaviour无法无天的行为
unruly hair (= difficult to keep looking neat)难梳理的头发
It's not good enough just to blame the unruly children.对难管教的孩子只是责备是不够的。
...unruly behaviour.没教养的行为
The man had a huge head of remarkably black, unruly hair.那个人有一头乱蓬蓬的黑发。
The class's unruly behaviour shamed the teacher.这班学生不守规矩的行为使老师感到羞愧.
A number of unruly youths ganged up and terrorized the district.一些不法青年结成一伙,使这个地区陷于恐怖.
I'm not stubborn or unruly , I'm just trying to protect my personal rights as a citizen.我不是钉子户,也不是刁民, 只是一个依法维护自己权益的公民.
He an unruly boy and nobody can control him.他是个无法无天的孩子,没人管得了他.
She became wild and unruly.她变得狂野不驯.
The hardest part about it is when you get a guest who's like, really unruly.最难办的是遇到不守规则的游客.
A number of unruly youth ganged up and terrorized the district.一些不法青年结成一伙,使这个地区充满恐怖.
Many a hotel staffer has had to call police to deal with an unruly guest.许多饭店服务人员必须报警来解客人的无理取闹.
Domestics are in all countries a spoiled and unruly set.无论在哪个国家,家务都是桩败兴而又难以驾驭的事情.
The only way to curb this unruly mob is to use tear gas.压制这群暴徒的惟一方法是使用催泪瓦斯.
The brilliant career of the great French footballer Eric Cantona , and the unruly nature of his character, together present a bewildering picture.出色的法国足球运动员埃里克·坎通纳的辉煌足球生涯和他那桀骜不驯的性格一起构成了一幅令人迷惑的画面.
The unruly student was excluded from the game.那名不守规矩的学生被赶出了比赛.
Pleas of a concerned father 'u2013 Paul's vulnerability reveals true leadership to an unruly church.一位慈爱的属灵父亲的呼吁——保罗的窘迫显示出他对于一个悖逆教会的真切关怀和引导.
The severe punishment was meted out to the unruly hooligan.对那个嚣张的流氓已给予严厉惩处.
In the wild, unruly or aggressive behavior would be reprimanded by a senior herd member.在野外, 不服从或侵略的行为会遭到马群上级成员的谴责.
At the end of a month club leader had the unruly youths eating out of his hand.在月底,俱乐部领导人把几个难管的青年搞得服服帖帖.
He was thought to be unruly.他被看成是不守规矩的人.
Those kids were of the same kind , unruly and misbehaved.那些孩子们很差劲,任性且举止不良.
Energetic, young and heart have been unruly, natural moat change thoroughfare!血气方刚, 风华正茂,心已不羁, 天堑变通途!
The children were quite unruly and ran around the house as if they owned it.孩子们很不守规矩,在房子里跑来跑去,像是在自己家一样.
The audience in the theater was irritated by the unruly and boisterous children.观众们被这个不听管教、大吵大闹的小孩子给激怒了.
She patted down unruly wisps of hair.她用手把翘起的头发轻轻拍平.
It is impracticable to control their unruly passions.
出自:P. ColquhounSome of the boys got unruly and did what they liked.
出自:P. Kavanagh