Far from being a dreamer, she's a level-headed pragmatist.她是个头脑冷静的务实派,绝不是一个不切实际的人。
You are one of them, a serious dreamer!你就是他们的一员,你就是认真追逐梦想的追梦人!
It is as if the dreamer is floating free in his own universe.做梦的人好像自由飘浮在自己的宇宙空间.
God has given us the dreamer as a gift to light an unbelieving world.上帝赋予我们梦想的天资,去点亮不曾确信的世界.
I would probably categorize him as a romantic idealist -- a dreamer.我也许会把他归类为浪漫理想主义者 — 一个梦想家.
Be a big dreamer.做一个大梦想家.
Sometimes a winner is justly a dreamer who nerve gave up.有时一个胜者(成功者)仅仅是一个从不放弃的梦想者.
Kana is a dreamer who always wants to know what is beyond the next hill.卡娜是一个梦想家,她总是想知道在下一座山后面会是什么.
Do you dare to be a dreamer?你敢于成为一个有梦想的人 吗 ?
For a dreamer of hardness in its essence, granite is a particular kind of provocation.对于坚硬本质的梦想者, 大理石是一种特别的挑衅.
The software architect is the technical driving force behind the project, not a visionary or dreamer.构架设计师是推动项目发展的技术动力, 而不是空想家.
The world always makes way for the dreamer.“世界总是为梦想者让路. ”
We should not always be a dreamer but an achiever.我们不要总是梦想家,我们要成为梦想的实现者!
TAIPEI Tower: dreamer 168, clear for takeoff, runway 05.中正塔台: 梦想家168, 许可05跑道起飞.
You should be a dreamer yourself.你应该有自己的梦想.
Please remember , the world makes way for the dreamer.世界为追梦者开路!
The young dreamer refused to accept the actuality.年轻的梦想家不愿接受这个事实.
You may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one.没有一个病人会当这是幻想.对他们来说,这是追求, 是自己和病友群体内心不绝的希望.这是旁人 感受 不到的.
This is the apartman, the demoniac dreamer.这是一个离群索居的人, 被魔鬼迷住的梦想者.
Be a dreamer and a doer.做个梦想家和实干家.
She is a dreamer.她是一个梦想家.
It is called Beautiful dreamer.名叫《美丽的梦想家》.
She was a fusion of the dreamer and doer.她是空想者和实干者的结合.
Marcovaldo the irrepressible dreamer, Marcovaldo the inveterate schemer.天生的梦想家马可瓦多, 智多星马可瓦多.
He dwelt habitually in this shadow , feeling his way like a blind man and a dreamer.他经常生活在暗无天日的环境中, 如同一个盲人或梦游者一样瞎摸瞎撞.
I hope you will always be a dreamer, a poet, a seeker of rainbows after storms.我希望你永远是一个梦想家, 一位诗人, 一个在暴风雨后寻找彩虹的人.
I'm a doer, not a day dreamer.我是一个喜欢实干的人, 而不是一个做白日梦的.
And in the same way as a dreamer awakes.梦者醒来的那一刻一切都凝固了.