If there ispandemonium in a place, the people there are behaving in a very noisy and uncontrolled way.
e.g. There waspandemonium in court as the judge gave his summing up...
e.g. pandemonium broke out as they ran into the street shouting.
1. pandemonium的意思
1. 万魔殿:大战後期由於女儿费耶娜的鼎力相助,终取得压倒性胜利,战後领有地狱第一层─万魔殿(pandemonium). 3.利维亚(Livia):原初的地狱之王.鬼王别西卜(Beelzebub)的随从兼继承人,於别西卜死後率领魔物全体归降露西华,是露西华能迅速掌控地狱的关键.
2. 混战场:pandemic 大流行的 |pandemonium 混战场 | pander 勾引
3. 伏魔殿:brusthonin 定居者营地 | beluslan 贝鲁斯兰要塞 |pandemonium 伏魔殿
pandemonium reigned in the classroom until the teacher arrived.教师来到之前教室里乱哄哄的。
pandemonium broke out when the news was announced.这消息一宣布,立即乱成一片。
There was pandemonium in court as the judge gave his summing up...法官做总结时,法庭里一片混乱。
pandemonium broke out as they ran into the street shouting.他们叫嚷着冲到大街上,大街上顿时乱作一团。
When the tone finally came through , there was pandemonium in the mission control room.乐曲终于响起,控制室内一片沸腾.
The whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium, and the din was terrific.整个门厅一片嘈杂, 而且喧嚣刺耳.
I had found Adlai unperturbed in the midst of pandemonium.我觉得艾德莱在一片大混乱中仍然镇定自若.
The fumes began seeping through the trains and stations, and pandemonium ensued.毒气随即开始弥漫整个车厢,车站, 马上引起了一场大混乱.
All at pandemonium broke out again and it was impossible to hear what anybody was saying.纷乱的嚷闹起来了,谁也听不清谁的话语.
And despite the pandemonium, the avid shopper had taken his time to browse the shops.不管有多混乱, 这位狂热的购物者总会从容不迫地去购物.
Working in collusion , one from within and the other from without , they created pandemonium.他们里应外合, 把时局搞得乌烟瘴气.
pandemonium reigned in the classroom until the teacher arrived.教师来到之前教室里乱哄哄的.
Then I will become the ultimate ruler of this wasteland engulfed with pandemonium.而我将成为这个卷入了战乱的荒废大陆的最后统治者.
The whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium, and the din was terrific ( Jerome K. Jerome )整个门厅一片嘈杂, 而且喧嚣刺耳 ( 杰罗姆K. 杰罗姆 )
There was pandemonium when the news was announced.消息宣布后一片混乱.
Then the first blast went off, and the grim quiet erupted into pandemonium.接着第一声爆炸响起, 肃静瞬间变成一片混乱.
There was pandemonium in court as the judge gave his summing up.法官做总结时,法庭里一片混乱。
pandemonium broke out when the news was announced.这消息一宣布,立即乱成一片。
Shrill cries and startled oaths flew up around us as pandemonium broke out.骚乱爆发时,我们周围充斥着尖厉的哭喊声和难以入耳的咒骂声。
pandemonium broke out as they ran into the street shouting.他们叫嚷着冲到大街上,大街上顿时乱作一团。
Naples roared and screeched around us. It was a pandemonium of a place.
出自:J. I. M. Stewart